Page 10 - DMEA Week 50 2022
P. 10

DMEA                                            PIPELINES                                              DMEA

                         Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in Feb-  natural gas, the new pipeline would enable the
                         ruary 2022, European policymakers have been   continent to become a reliable supplier to the
                         seeking alternative sources of energy to replace   EU. As such, the project has the potential to
                         Russian fossil fuel imports.         reduce Europe’s dependence on Russian energy
                           As Africa possesses significant amounts of   imports. ™

                                            TERMINALS & TRANSPORT
       Ghana’s president commissions $250mn

       floating dry dock, oil and gas terminal

             AFRICA      GHANA’S president has broken ground on a   drydock.
                         state-of-the-art floating dry dock and oil and gas   President Nana Akufo-Addo noted at a
                         services terminal at the port of Takoradi in the   December 8 ceremony that the modern oil and
                         Western Region, which will cost $137mn and   gas terminal forms “part of the strategic devel-
                         $98mn to build in the first phase respectively.  opment of the port of Takoradi, to service the
                           The floating dry dock, with local company   emerging petroleum hub and accommodate oil
                         Prime Meridian Docks (PMD) as the client and   and gas service providers,” as well as upstream
                         German engineering company Sellhorn as the   exploration and production companies and
                         consultant, will be executed by China Harbour   their suppliers for supply base activities.
                         Engineering Company (Ghana), or CHEC, in 18   The projects will also enhance the cargo-han-
                         months, the Ghanian Times reports.   dling capacity of Ghana, and its ability to main-
                           The African Export-Import Bank (Afrex-  tain and repair ships, he said.
                         imbank) in September approved senior debt   The dry bulk terminal, Akufo-Addo said,
                         funding of $50mn for PMD as part of a $75mn   “has been equipped with modern ship loaders
                         syndicated project finance facility for the project   and eco-hoppers for the safety of both workers
                         to build and operate a world-class ship repair   and members of the port community.”
                         and maintenance facility under a 25-year con-  He also noted that the new ATS Container
                         cession granted by the Ghana Ports and Har-  Terminal facility, a part of the multi-purpose
                         bours Authority (GPHA).              terminal, will take care of both and import con-
                           The floating dry dock will serve to carry out   tainers and conventional cargoes, adding that
                         maintenance works on vessels that otherwise   operations are expected to begin in February
                         would be done in foreign facilities in Western   2023.
                         Africa, such as on the island of Gran Canaria.  Apart from Afreximbank, other lenders
                           When completed, the project will include   reportedly include the African Development
                         some 30,000 square metres of paved laydown   Bank (AfDB) and UMB Bank, as well as its
                         area, a 200-metre jetty, and a newbuild 13,500-  equity partners, ARM-Harith Infrastructure
                         tonne lift-capacity handy-max size floating   Fund and Stratcon Capital. ™

                                               Sign with rendering of new services terminal (Image: Facebook/@nakufoaddo)

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 50   15•December•2022
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