Page 14 - DMEA Week 50 2022
P. 14

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

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       SECURITY & POLICY                   $39bn in 2021, the EIA estimated.      The soured sentiment also further hit the
                                              EIA also put the total oil income of the 13  IRR’s rates against the euro, pound sterling and
       US EIA estimates Iran               OPEC members in the mentioned months at  Swiss franc. They traded at 410,450, 478,200 and
                                                                                416,400, respectively, by the end of trading.
       earned $34bn in oil                 bne/IntelliNews, December 13 2022    the Iranian market, also traded up on December
                                                                                  Gold sovereigns, a standard financial asset on
       revenues in 7M 2022                 Rial spends another                  13. The end of day rates were IRR183mn for the
                                                                                Azadi and IRR193mn for the Emami coins.
       The US Energy Information Administration   day on the ropes                Local daily Donyaye Eqtesad (World Econ-
       (EIA) in a recent report assessed Iran’s 7M 2022                         omy), meanwhile, reported on indications on
       oil revenues at $34bn.              The Iranian rial (IRR) continued its decline  deteriorating trade balances between Iran and
         The figure is pretty consistent with what was  against hard currencies on December 13, sink-  global partners.
       recorded for the same period the year before. It  ing to a fresh all-time low of 385,900 per $1,   Also, border market trades in Afghanistan
       trails the full year-2021 assessed figure by only  according to figures. The previous  and Iraq were showing more weakening of the
       around $5bn, thus the total for the whole of this  day it ended the day at 374,100 per $1.  rial in regional trade, with traders saying the
       year looks set to beat last year’s earnings. The   The rial continued to tank amid a political  trade in the “Herat dollar” (Herat sits by the
       EIA anticipated that the total would be around  environment in which Tehran, the European  Afghan-Iranian border) saw increased selling
       $58bn.                              Union and the UK have exchanged more sanc-  of the rial.
         The EIA report also assessed that Iran’s  tions in relation to the anti-regime protests tak-  bne/IntelliNews, December 13 2022
       average monthly income from oil sales in Jan-  ing place in Iran, now into their fourth month,
       uary-July was $4.85bn, 49% higher year on year.  and the frequently bloody crackdown against   Iranian rial tanks
       Record high oil prices helped boost the average.  them. Iran’s sanctions against Western individ-
         The calculation for Iran’s probable 7M 2022  uals and entities are largely symbolic as there   to new low
       oil revenue is twice the figure for full year-2020.  are no conceivable visits to Iran or assets held
         Key buyer of Iranian oil China has boosted  in the country that they could affect. However,  The Iranian rial (IRR) dropped to a new low of
       purchases this year despite the fact that US sanc-  the levying of the sanctions indicate a political  374,100 per $1 on December 11, according to
       tions, framed to drive down Iran’s export sales of  impasse and Iran’s economy in some segments
       crude to as near zero as possible, have remained  will continue to be restricted or stymied while   The rial continues to tank against hard cur-
       in place under the Biden administration. Cer-  the unrest plays out and officials attempt to bring  rencies despite efforts introduced by the Central
       tainly at the beginning of this year, when there  it to an end, in part with the spectre of capital  Bank of Iran (CBI) in September to stem losses
       were still big hopes that 2022 could see a deal  punishment. As things stand, much of the world  by limiting the purchasing power of bureaux
       agreed between Tehran and the major powers  sees Iran and Russia as increasingly aligned and  de change customers. Traders have very much
       for a resurrection of the nuclear deal, or JCPOA,  isolated international pariahs, with little pros-  lost faith in the Iranian currency of late. Police,
       the US enforcement of the sanctions was relaxed.  pect of reconciliation with Western powers as  meanwhile, have been rounding up some traders
         Iran earned $17bn in oil revenues in 2020 and  things stand.           who they accuse of disrupting the forex market.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 50   15•December•2022
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