Page 16 - DMEA Week 50 2022
P. 16

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

             business new africa       bna/IntelliNews

       His Excellency Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber,  UAE’s global energy leadership.”  Member; Dr. Bakheet Saeed Al Katheeri, Board
       Minister of Industry and Advanced Technol-  Al Mubarak added: “Global cooperation is  Member.
       ogy, Managing` Director and Group CEO of  vital to achieving the critical scale in clean energy   Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi will continue as
       ADNOC, and Chairman of Masdar said: “As  sources, and we are committed to leveraging  Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the enlarged
       the founding CEO of Masdar, I am excited to  our partnerships to enable Masdar to deliver a  Masdar.
       see Abu Dhabi’s energy leaders coming together  broader global impact.”    As part of the deal, TAQA will offer to con-
       to take Masdar to the next level. The Masdar   His Excellency Mohamed Hassan Alsuwaidi,  tribute its ownership interests in future Abu
       clean energy powerhouse will unlock a new  Chairman of TAQA, said: “This transaction  Dhabi renewable power projects to Masdar. Mas-
       chapter of growth, development, and opportu-  marks the start of Masdar’s journey towards  dar City, Abu Dhabi’s flagship sustainable urban
       nity for renewable energy and green hydrogen  becoming one of the largest clean energy com-  development, will continue to remain under
       projects, both in the UAE and worldwide. As  panies in the world, backed by three of the  Mubadala’s ownership as the sole shareholder.
       the UAE delivers on its Net Zero by 2050 stra-  UAE’s energy and investment pacesetters. Over   Masdar, December 8 2022
       tegic initiative and prepares to host COP28 next  the next decade, Masdar will rapidly expand its
       year, by leveraging the skills and experience of  renewable energy and green hydrogen invest-
       its partners, Masdar will build on its rich leg-  ments to accelerate decarbonisation. Last year,  REFINING & FUELS
       acy as a pioneer in the renewable energy sector,  TAQA committed to a renewable energy share
       accelerate the delivery of world-scale projects,  of 30% of its total power generation capacity by   Turkey’s gasoline prices
       and help meet the world’s growing demand for  2030. Our stake in Masdar is a key part of deliv-
       clean energy. For ADNOC, our participation in  ering on this target, while supporting the UAE’s   fall below TRY18 per litre
       Masdar is an important pillar in our strategy to  ambition to cut greenhouse gas emissions and
       expand clean energy production, unlock new  be a driving force in the global energy transition.  The gasoline price (unleaded 95 octane) at Opet
       opportunities for industrial development and  Today, we stand as one of the largest integrated  stations on the European side of Istanbul fell to
       drive decarbonisation.”             utility players in Europe, the Middle East and  TRY17.43 ($0.93) per litre on December 12, still
         His Excellency Khaldoon Khalifa Al  Africa. Tomorrow, we will be known as a pan-re-  up 69% y/y, but down from the record high of
       Mubarak, Managing Director and Group Chief  gional low carbon power and water champion.”  TRY28.46 registered on June 13, according to
       Executive Officer of Mubadala said: “We estab-  Alongside the completion of the transaction,  data provided by Opet.
       lished Masdar 16 years ago based on an early  a new Board of Directors has been appointed   In approximately the same period, the die-
       conviction that building capabilities and sup-  for Masdar’s renewable business with His Excel-  sel fuel (Eco Force) price fell to TRY21.05 on
       porting innovation and scale across the clean  lency Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber reappointed  December 7, still up 104% y/y but considerably
       energy spectrum would be transformative for  his position as Chairman. Members include:  lower than the record high of TRY29.94 regis-
       the nation and an investment in future genera-  H. E. Mohamed Hassan Alsuwaidi, Deputy  tered in June.
       tions. Today, Masdar is one of the world’s fast-  Chairman; Jasim Husain Thabet, Board Mem-  The annual price increases for diesel and gas-
       est-growing renewable energy companies. This  ber; Farid Al Awlaqi, Board Member; Khaled  oline’s topped 316% and 269%, respectively, at
       significant milestone helps unlock synergies  Salmeen, Board Member; Musabbeh AlKaabi,  the price peaks.
       in Masdar’s continued growth journey and the  Board Member; Ahmed Saeed Al Calily, Board   Gasoline prices in Turkey are automatically
                                                                                updated based on a formula. The variables are
                                                                                the Brent oil price, crack margins (CIF Med),
                                                                                the $/TRY rate and the special consumption tax
                                                                                  As of December 14, Brent was up 8% y/y to
                                                                                $81 per barrel (down from the $120s seen in
                                                                                June) while the $/TRY pair was up 35% y/y to
                                                                                  The diesel differential stood at $43, up 747%
                                                                                y/y but sharply lower compared to the record $83
                                                                                seen in October. The gasoline differential stood
                                                                                at $6, down 30% y/y but greatly lower compared
                                                                                to the record $54 seen in June.
                                                                                  The average gasoline price in the US was
                                                                                down 3% y/y to $3.21 per gallon ($0.85 per litre).
                                                                                A record $5.02 was registered on June 14.
                                                                                  According to data from the Petroleum Indus-
                                                                                try Foundation of Turkey (PETDER), gasoline
                                                                                sales in Turkey were up 31% y/y to 4mn cubic
                                                                                metres (3mn tonnes), while diesel sales were up
                                                                                11% y/y to 32mn cubic metres (11mn tonnes)
                                                                                and auto gasoline sales were up 7% y/y to 3.1mn
                                                                                cubic metres.
                                                                                bne/IntelliNews, December 14 2022

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