Page 8 - FSUOGM Week 18 2022
P. 8
Greece starts work on LNG terminal to
reduce Balkans’ reliance on Russian gas
CONSTRUCTION work on an LNG terminal Russian fossil fuels. This new LNG terminal is a
was launched in the Greek city of Alexandroup- geopolitical investment. It will help free South-
olis on May 3, a major project that will help Bul- east Europe from the weaponisation of gas sup-
garia, North Macedonia and Serbia diversify ply by Russia,” Michel said in a tweet.
from Russian gas. “This is a historic event for the countries in
This will be Greece’s second LNG terminal. the region in the field of energy. This is a pro-
Construction is beginning as Europe steps up ject for long-term energy independence and
investment projects aimed at achieving inde- for a stable and continuous supply of LNG in
pendence from Russian gas. Greece is thus set an extremely critical time,” North Macedonia’s
to become a major gas supplier for the Balkans Kovacevski said, according to the government’s
region. statement.
The official launch of works in the eastern North Macedonia is participating in this
Thrace region was marked by Greek Prime project with an agreement to reserve a certain
Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and his Bulgarian volume of LNG from the new Greek terminal.
peer Kiril Petkov. The ceremony was attended by “Alexandroupolis terminal opens the possi-
the President of the European Council Charles bility for the supply of gas from several different
Michel, the President of Serbia Aleksandar sources, such as from the United States and the
Vucic as well as North Macedonia’s PM Dimitar Middle East countries” Kovacevski said.
Kovacevski. Vucic, meanwhile, said: “At first I was quite
The terminal, worth €363.7mn in total, will skeptical. I was wondering if such a thing could
consist of a floating storage and regasification happen, but now I want to say that I am grate-
unit (FSRU), and a system of underwater and ful because with this project we will be able to
land pipelines that will transmit the gas to the secure significant quantities of gas.”
national grid, Greece’s Kathimerini newspaper Unlike the other countries set to benefit from
reported. the project, Serbia has not imposed sanctions
During the event, Mitsotakis stressed the on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, and it
contribution of the new terminal to the region’s is expected to sign a new long-term gas supply
independence from Russian natural gas. “The contract with Russia in the near future.
project in Alexandroupolis is a new energy The LNG that will arrive in the Alexandroup-
gateway and with its completion, we will soon olis terminal by ships from various sources will
be able to get rid of the gas coming from Russian be re-gasified and then piped from Greece
sources and our countries will have a role in the through cross-border interconnector lines to
new energy map,” he said, according to a govern- Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Serbia and Roma-
ment statement. nia, according to Kathimerini.
“Moscow’s recent blackmail with gas makes The terminal is being built by the Greek com-
co-operation not only necessary but urgent,” he pany Gastrade and is due to be completed in
added. 2023. The company, at the request of the Greek
Petkov said that this is a historic day for Bul- government, is making efforts to finish work at
garia and Greece and an important step toward least six months ahead of schedule.
energy independence for the two countries.
Russia’s Gazprom decided to stop delivering
natural gas to Bulgaria as of April 27, after Sofia
refused to amend the existing contract. Bulgaria
is highly dependent on Russia as the source of
almost all its gas imports. North Macedonia is
receiving gas via Bulgaria.
Since last week, when Moscow closed the tap
for Bulgaria, Greece has become the sole sup-
plier of gas to this country. Some 40% of Bul-
garia’s gas needs are met by LNG imported via
the Greek terminal at Revithoussa and 60% by
Russian gas sold by Greek public gas company
DEPA, according to the article.
The Alexandroupolis project has been
declared a project of special interest for natural
gas by the EU. “We will end our dependence on Project launch ceremony in Alexandroupolis on May 3 (Photo: EU)
P8 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 18 05•May•2021