Page 12 - MEOG Week 05 2022
P. 12

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       accrued since the beginning of the Iranian   Kuwait oil minister says    go through multiple stages to ensure their
       fiscal year on March 21, 2021, constitutes less                          safety before they are safely exited to the gas
       around 30 percent of the budget projection   oil demand continues to     branches, in parallel with moving forward
       for oil sales in this fiscal year. Iran’s original                       with short and medium-term plans to address
       projection was to export around $15 billion in   recover                 the damage caused by misuse. It indicated
       this period.                                                             that it is filling about 60,000 gas cylinders per
         Current estimates of oil sales vary widely,   Kuwait’s oil minister Mohammad Al-Fares   day, and inspecting, filling, transporting and
       ranging from 650,000 to more than one   said global demand for oil is continuing to   distributing more than 17 million cylinders
       million barrels a day, with China boosting   recover amid positive conditions and upbeat   annually.
       its imports in the final months of last year.   global financial indicators, state news agency   KUNA
       However, Iran sells it oil with a big discount,   KUNA reported on Wednesday.
       according to its own officials, but both the   Dangers including rising inflation and new
       true volume of exported oil and its price   COVID-19 variants necessitate caution going   SERVICES
       remain a secret.                    forward, although Omicron effects “could be
         The $3.3 billion reported by Fars for total   minor as the vaccine rollout expands,” KUNA   Honeywell, Oman’s
       oil exports since August seems low, even if   cited Al-Fares as saying.
       we take the lower estimated exports by the   OPEC+, a grouping of the Organization of   Meras partner for energy
       discounted price of $50 per barrel, Iran should   the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
       have made close to $5 billion in five months.   and allies, decided on Wednesday to stick to   initiatives
       Therefore, there are three possibilities: The   its planned output increase of 400,000 barrels
       figures mentioned by Fars are wrong; the   per day from March after a short meeting.  Honeywell has announced an agreement
       estimate of 650 barrels per day is too high;   REUTERS                   with Oman’s Meras, an energy, engineering,
       or Iran is offering buyers much steeper                                  construction and project management
       discounts.                                                               services provider to support Honeywell’s
         Fars claims that its report is based on   GAS                          expansion to conduct sustainability and
       information collected from official sources.                             energy projects across Oman.
         The report also claims that borrowing   KOTC affirms keenness on         Part of the private equity firm Oman
       from the central bank declined by 30 percent                             Investment Corporation, Meras will develop
       since Raisi assumed office, but this assertion   safety of gas cylinders  a capability centre to support Honeywell
       amounts to an accounting gimmick.                                        as it implements energy and sustainability
         The government sold about $5.4 billion   The Kuwait Oil Tanker Company affirmed   projects in the country including innovation,
       of “Islamic Bonds”, which is another term for   on Wednesday, its strong and permanent   resources, design, contract, procurement
       indirect borrowing from the central bank. A   keenness on the safety of gas cylinders and its   and more. Meras has a strong presence in
       large enough private capital market to digest   commitment to international security, safety   Oman, with strategic ties with private and
       billions of dollars in government bonds simply  and quality standards in dealing with them   government entities related to infrastructure
       does not exist in a country which has had   before they reach the hands of the consumer,   healthcare, hospitality and education.
       around $60 billion in capital flight since 2018.   praising the efforts made by cooperative   This collaboration will enable to strengthen
       The bonds are simply sold to government-  societies to ensure the preservation and   the local capability around sustainability
       owned banks, which have their own liquidity   transportation of gas cylinders in a safe and   and energy domain. It will also support the
       problems and have to borrow from the central   secure manner to consumers.  requirements to implement energy efficiency
       bank, which in turn prints money.      In a press release, the company expressed   actions, and carbon neutral objectives.
         Officials and media have been warning   its appreciation and thanks at the same time   Honeywell has a long-standing history
       about the huge increase in liquidity since   to consumers, alerting “what the misuse   in Oman, having worked on a wide range
       2017 and this is the secret to government’s   behaviors of some cause, especially in the   of projects including airports, oil and gas
       financing amid US sanctions. But as more   commercial sector, for those cylinders.”  projects and refining and petrochemicals
       money gets printed, inflation skyrockets and   It stressed that preserving cylinders   technology implementation. Honeywell also
       the national currency’s exchange rate drops.   and their safety is a shared responsibility   works with a number of leading healthcare,
       One US dollar now buys eight times more   that requires the concerted efforts of all   education and hospitality customers within
       rials than it did in 2017.          stakeholders and consumers.          Oman.
       IRAN INTL                              The company explained that the cylinders   TRADEARABIA

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