Page 9 - MEOG Week 05 2022
P. 9

MEOG                                     POLICY & SECURITY                                            MEOG

       Vienna talks pause as deal seen possible

        IRAN             THE Vienna talks on reviving the 2015 Joint  House Middle East adviser Brett McGurk said on
                         Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)  January 27 that Tehran and Washington were “in
                         between Iran and major powers broke up on  the ballpark of a possible deal”.
                         January 28 to allow delegates to return for con-  US diplomats continue to press for direct face
                         sultations with their respective governments.  to face talks with their Iranian counterparts at
                           The EU and Russia said now was the time for  the talks. Discussions between Iran and the US
                         political decisions.                 have so far taken place indirectly, with the EU
                           The talks resumed in December, with all orig-  acting as an intermediary.
                         inal JCPOA signatories – Iran, the US, France,   In May 2918, then US president Donald
                         Germany, the UK, China and Russia – looking to  Trump pulled Washington out of the JCPOA
                         find a path to restarting the deal that curbs Iran’s  and reimposed economic sanctions on Iran. In
                         nuclear development activities to ensure they are  response Tehran began to gradually increase its
                         kept entirely civilian in return for the lifting of  nuclear activities to a level beyond limits permit-
                         heavy sanctions.                     ted by the JCPOA.
                           “Participants will go back to capitals for con-  Key issues that the Vienna talks have not yet
                         sultations [with] instructions to come back next  solved are the speed and scope of lifting sanc-
                         week,” the EU’s senior envoy Enrique Mora said  tions on Tehran, including Iran’s demand for a
                         as the talks broke up. “Political decisions are  US guarantee it will not violate the agreement
                         needed now.”                         again, a dilemma as US President Joe Biden is
                           Russia’s envoy to the talks Mikhail Ulyanov  not able to tie his successor’s hands.
                         said negotiations were at an “advanced stage”.   The talks are also moving slowly in relations
                         Earlier last week, he said an agreement for a  to technical details on how and when exactly to
                         revived deal by the end of February was “quite  bring back curbs on Iran’s atomic work. It has
                         realistic”.                          advanced significantly since the US withdrew
                           The US too has shown some optimism. White  from the accord.™

       Gas to Europe up for discussion

       between Israel, Turkey

        ISRAEL/TURKEY    AN attempt by Turkey to revive a proposal for  Israel. Israel responded in kind.
                         the export of Israeli gas to Europe via a Turk-  Turkey’s renewed interest in pushing its pro-
                         ish hub looks set to be on the agenda for an  ject to deliver Israeli gas to Europe appears to
                         expected February visit to Ankara by Israel’s  have been sparked by the US withdrawing sup-
                         president, Isaac Herzog—although analysts are  port for the EastMed pipeline, a project designed
                         not convinced the project would be commer-  to transit gas from Israel to European states via
                         cially sound.                        Cyprus and Greece.
                           In an interview with private NTV broad-  The US State Department framed the deci-
                         caster late on January 26, Turkish President  sion as part of the move away from carbon-in-
                         Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his Israeli counter-  tensive projects and towards cleaner energy
                         part would visit in the first half of February.  alternatives.
                           Ties between Turkey and Israel have grown   After the rejection outlined by the US, Erdo-
                         tense under Erdogan, an outspoken critic of Isra-  gan told reporters: “This business [of transiting
                         el’s policies toward the Palestinians.   Israeli gas] cannot be done without Turkey.
                           However, Erdogan said: “With this visit,  Because if [gas] will be transferred to Europe
                         a new era can begin in the Israeli and Turkish  from here, it will only happen through Turkey.”
                         relationship.”                         However, Charles Ellinas of the Atlantic
                           The countries withdrew their ambassadors in  Council on January 27 expressed scepticism at
                         2010 after Israeli forces stormed a Gaza-bound  the possibility of a Turkish-Israeli solution, tell-
                         flotilla carrying humanitarian aid for the Pales-  ing Ahval it was “far-fetched”.
                         tinians that breached an Israeli blockade. Nine   Even in the unlikely event that Tel Aviv
                         Turkish activists died in the incident.   agreed to the proposal, it would still face many
                           Relations broke down again in 2018, after  of the same challenges that ended the prospects
                         Turkey, protesting at the US moving its embassy  for the EastMed pipeline, he was cited as saying,
                         to Jerusalem, once more recalled its envoy from  adding: “It’s not commercially viable.”™

       Week 05   02•February•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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