Page 6 - AsiaElec Week 02 2023
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AsiaElec NUCLEAR AsiaElec
being made, despite the IEA hailing the rise in Campinos.
innovations and patent applications in its report. “But if hydrogen is to play a major role in
For example, DNV, a risk management com- reducing CO2 emissions, innovation is urgently
pany, has warned that hydrogen is at risk of needed across a range of technologies. This
being the great missed opportunity of the energy report reveals some encouraging transition
transition. patterns across countries and industry sectors,
DNV predicted that the amount of hydrogen including Europe’s major contribution to the
in the energy mix globally will be only 0.5% in emergence of new hydrogen technologies. It also
2030 and 5% in 2050. However, to meet the tar- highlights the contribution of start-ups to hydro-
gets of the Paris Agreement, hydrogen uptake gen innovation, and their reliance on patents to
would need to triple to meet 15% of energy bring their inventions to market.”
demand by mid-century, DNV said in its Hydro-
gen Forecast to 2050 report. Applications
“Hydrogen is essential to decarbonise sectors The IEA’s reported that among hydrogen’s many
that cannot be electrified, like aviation, maritime potential end-use applications, the automotive
and high-heat manufacturing, and should there- sector has long been the focus for innovation,
fore be prioritised for these sectors,” said Remi and patenting in this sector continues to grow,
Eriksen, CEO of DNV. led mainly by Japan.
Conversely, the war in Ukraine has prompted Similar momentum is not yet visible in other
new investment in green hydrogen to reach over end-use applications, the report found, despite
$73bn as costs fall, making fossil fuel-produced concerted policy and media attention in recent
hydrogen uneconomic as gas prices soar. years on hydrogen’s potential to decarbonise
High and volatile gas prices mean that long-distance transport, aviation, power gener-
$100bn of ‘dirty’ hydrogen assets are at risk of ation and heating.
becoming stranded by 2030, green think-tank National net-zero emissions pledges cannot
Carbon Tracker said in a report. be achieved without addressing unabated fossil
The key role of green hydrogen is in achiev- fuel use in these sectors.
ing net zero, especially in difficult to decarbonise One bright spot is a recent uptick in patenting
areas of the economy. for the use of hydrogen to decarbonise steel pro-
“Harnessing the potential of hydrogen is a duction – possibly in response to the post-Paris
key part of Europe’s strategy to achieve climate Agreement consensus that the sector needs rad-
neutrality by 2050,” said EPO president António ical solutions to cut emissions quickly.
P6 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 02 10•January•2023