Page 9 - AsiaElec Week 02 2023
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AsiaElec COMMENTARY AsiaElec
ADNOC prepares low-
carbon war chest
GLOBAL The Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) last This week, he added: “Now, more than ever,
week announced that it has earmarked $15bn the world needs a practical and responsible
for projects to decarbonise its operations and the approach to the energy transition that is both
Emirates’ energy landscape by 2030. pro-growth and pro-climate, and ADNOC is
The move follows the announcement in late delivering tangible actions in support of both
November that the company would “pursue a these goals.”
Net Zero by 2050 ambition” while supporting “As we continue to future-proof our busi-
the UAE’s strategic initiative that targets the ness, we invite technology and industry leaders
same date. to partner with us, to collectively drive real and
The formal announcement of the company’s meaningful action that embraces the energy
target uncharacteristically lagged its regional transition. This strategic, multi-billion-dollar
peers but aligns with Saudi Aramco with the initiative underscores ADNOC’s industry lead-
goal applying only to Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse ership as a leading global provider of lower-car-
gas (GHG) emissions, effectively meaning that bon energy,” he said.
by minimising flaring and reducing the carbon
intensity of up- and downstream operations, Carbon plans
end-user emissions will be given a ‘pass’. Carbon ADNOC has already established the Al Reya-
intensity is seen being reduced by 25% by 2030. dah facility, the first commercial-scale carbon
capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) facility
Low-carbon war chest in the Middle East. This has capacity to capture
On January 5, ADNOC said that it would invest 800,000 tonnes per year (tpy) of CO2. ADNOC
in clean power, carbon capture and storage expects to increase this “six-fold” by capturing
(CCS), the further electrification of its opera- CO2 from its own gas plants, with the aim of
tions, energy efficiency as well as “new measures reaching 5mn tpy of CO2 by 2030.
to build on ADNOC’s long-standing policy of The estimated $120mn scheme captures CO2
zero routine gas flaring”. It intends to “apply a from two steel plants at the Mussafah Industrial
rigorous commercial and sustainability assess- Area owned by state firm Emirates Steel. The
ment to ensure that each project delivers lasting facility also compresses and dehydrates the
tangible impact”. gas, with output piped to ADNOC’s Rumaitha
A range of projects and initiatives are to be and Bab onshore oilfields for injection to boost
announced during 2023, with ADNOC high- recovery rates – while freeing up natural gas for
lighting CCS and carbon removal efforts. alternative uses.
When announcing its Net-Zero target in Last week’s statement said that ADNOC
November, ADNOC also launched its Low would look to ‘build on’ Al Reyadah and “will
Carbon Solutions & International Growth divi- announce plans to deploy technologies to cap-
sion, which is tasked with leading the compa- ture, store and absorb CO2 by leveraging the
ny’s energy transition across new energies, gas, UAE’s geological properties while preparing for
LNG and chemicals, with Musabbeh Al Kaabi, its next major investment to capture emissions
currently CEO of the Mubadala Investment Co. from its Habshan gas processing facility […to]
set to assume the role of executive director on firmly establish [the UAE] as a worldwide hub
January 16. for carbon capture expertise and innovation.”
In November, HE Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, This is expected to support the company’s
Emirati Minister of Industry and Advanced diversification plan to become a leader in the
Technology and ADNOC managing director hydrogen and low-carbon ammonia markets
and CEO, said: “The Low Carbon Solutions & as it targets the completion of a 1mn tpy blue
International Growth vertical will accelerate ammonia plant that has already begun delivering
delivery of our decarbonisation roadmap and test cargoes to Europe and Asia.
advance our Net Zero by 2050 ambition. As the ADNOC’s Fertiglobe affiliate, Japan’s Mitsui
UAE prepares to host COP28 next year, we will and South Korean firm GS Energy are nearing
continue to focus on practical and positive solu- the launch of the plant at the TA’ZIZ Industrial
tions that drive progress for the climate and the Chemicals Zone in Ruwais, formerly referred
economy.” to as Ruwais Derivatives Park. This forms part
Week 02 10•January•2023 www. NEWSBASE .com P9