Page 13 - NorthAm Week 25 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                technically trained crews, while expanding
                                                                                Ensign’s client base and providing cost
                                                                                synergies. Additionally, Nabors’ deeper high-
                                                                                spec fleet in Canada is equipped similarly
                                                                                to Ensign’s high-spec fleet, with automated
                                                                                drilling controls systems. This technical
                                                                                alignment, right at the drilling rig level, will
                                                                                help Ensign to accelerate the adaptation of
                                                                                more sophisticated drilling control systems
                                                                                that continue to drive innovation, creating
                                                                                value to our clients, all while reducing net
                                                                                emissions. Ensign looks forward to the
       guidance range of $20mn to $35mn.”  emissions from the industry average of two   Nabors’ employees becoming part of the
         “The business continues to produce strong   months to less than one day. The Company   Ensign team.”
       free cash flow, which will enable us to reduce   estimates each leak corrected through the   ENSIGN ENERGY SERVICES AND NABORS
       outstanding net indebtedness by nearly   AssetCare solution has the potential to   INDUSTRIES, June 24, 2021
       $82mn by the end of the second quarter   eliminate up to 50 tons in CO2e emissions.
       and will continue to allow us to reduce our   mCloud will partner with Prosaris to
       outstanding debt balance for the foreseeable   support the development of an intrinsically-  MOVES
       future.”                            safe version of their ultrasonic detector in
       SUMMIT MIDSTREAM PARTNERS, June 21,   return for time-limited exclusive access to this   Talos Energy announces
       2021                                detector within oil and gas. This partnership
                                           complements the recent success Prosaris has   successful extension of its
                                           had in securing funding and support from
       SERVICES                            Sustainable Development Technology Canada.  credit facility to November
                                              Both mCloud and Prosaris plan to work
        mCloud begins field                together to target thousands of oil and gas   2024 and borrowing base
                                           sites across Western Canada and the United
       deployment of AssetCare™            States in the months ahead. Commercial   redetermination
                                           rollouts of the solution are underway with oil
       fugitive gas solution with          and gas operators in the province of Alberta,   Talos Energy today announced the
                                                                                completion of amendments to its reserves-
                                           with Alberta-based AltaGas to be among the
       oil and gas operators in            first recipients of the solution connecting their   based lending facility, including a significant
                                           workforce at several of their key facilities.
                                                                                maturity extension to November 2024.
       Alberta                             MCLOUD TECHNOLOGIES, June 23, 2021   Following the amendments, Talos has
                                                                                minimal near-term debt maturities, strong
       mCloud Technologies, a leading provider   Ensign Energy Services and     liquidity and expects to be significantly free
       of AI-powered asset management and ESG                                   cash flow positive for the balance of 2021.
       solutions today announced it has partnered   Nabors Industries announce    The borrowing base under the credit
       with Halifax-based Prosaris Solutions,                                   facility was approved at $950mn by 100% of
       developers of a cutting-edge, mobile, wireless   the sale of Nabors’     the lending syndicate consisting of twelve
       ultrasonic detector capable of reliably                                  energy lending commercial banks, reflecting
       quantifying air and gas leaks as the Company   Canadian drilling assets to   the high quality of the company’s diverse,
       begins the rollout of a new AssetCare solution                           liquids-weighted asset base. Maturity of the
       targeting fugitive gas emissions.   Ensign Energy Services               credit facility was extended from May 2022 to
         As announced in February 2021, mCloud                                  November 2024, or approximately three and
       is launching an AssetCare solution that   Ensign Energy Services and Nabors Industries   a half years from the date of the amendments.
       will uniquely pair the Prosaris offering   are pleased to announce that they, through   Current commitments under the credit
       with AssetCare’s industrial AI to enable the   their subsidiaries, have entered into an   facility are $655mn. At June 30, 2021, Talos
       continuous inspection and correction of gas   agreement for Ensign to acquire, subject   expects liquidity of approximately $300mn
       leaks at oil and gas facilities, known to be one   to certain closing conditions and receipt of   with $400mn drawn under its credit facility,
       of the primary causes of harmful emissions   required regulatory approvals, Nabors’ fleet of   reduced from $465mn drawn as of March
       in the sector. Research from McKinsey and   35 land-based drilling rigs located in Canada,   31, 2021. The next scheduled borrowing base
       Company indicates nearly half of all oil and   as well as related equipment and certain real   redetermination will be around November
       gas emissions can be traced to these “fugitive   property. Ensign will be funding the purchase   2021. The supportive commodity price
       gas” emissions, the unintended release   price with cash on hand and available credit   environment is expected to lead to a further
       of harmful gases such as methane from   facilities.                      reduction in borrowings under the credit
       industrial equipment including pipelines,   Robert Geddes, Ensign’s president and   facility, increasing liquidity and allowing the
       wells, and storage tanks.           chief operating officer, commented on the   company to return to historical pre-pandemic
         Through continuous detection and   transaction: “The acquisition of Nabors’ assets   leverage levels ahead of prior expectations.
       correction, mCloud expects to reduce the   in Canada provides Ensign an expanded fleet   TALOS ENERGY, June 22, 2021
       time to detect and curb the sources of harmful   of high-spec drilling rigs along with highly

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