Page 11 - NorthAm Week 25 2021
P. 11
Schlumberger sets net-zero goal
GLOBAL OILFIELD services giant Schlumberger according to the company’s statement.
announced this week that it had set a target of “There is a new industry imperative to
net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by address climate change while meeting the
2050. Notably, the plan includes Scope 3 emis- demand for energy both today and in the long
sions – those produced by Schlumberger’s cus- term, sustainably. We have a 2050 net-zero
tomers using its products. carbon emissions ambition which I believe
“Our net-zero target is inclusive of total Scope is unique in our industry due to our capabili-
3 emissions; this is a first in the energy services ties as a technology company and our culture
industry,” stated Schlumberger’s CEO, Olivier Le grounded in science. This reinforces our com-
Peuch. mitment to unlocking access to energy, for the
The company’s plan envisions “minimal” reli- benefit of all,” said Le Peuch.
ance on offsets, and targets a 30% cut in Scope Separately, Le Peuch talked up his company’s
1 and Scope 2 emissions – those produced by plans for electrification of equipment from the
Schlumberger and stemming from the power oil well to the production facility.
it consumes – by 2025, from a baseline of 2019. “A fully electric production system not only
Schlumberger would then aim to reduce Scope 1 paves the way to complete digital capabilities but Incorporating
and Scope 2 emissions to 50% compared to 2019 to full-electric platforms and plants that can be
by 2030, while cutting Scope 3 emissions by 30% operated remotely, particularly offshore, where Scope 3
over the same period, ahead of targeting net zero this will be revolutionary,” Le Peuch said in pre-
by 2050. pared remarks for the JPMorgan Energy, Power emissions into
“Our decarbonisation plans are based upon & Renewables conference on June 22.
climate science and focused on three key areas: Schlumberger’s announcement comes as a those targets is
operational emissions; customer emissions; growing number of energy companies adopt still not common
and carbon-negative actions,” stated Schlum- net-zero emissions targets. However, incorpo-
berger’s chief strategy and sustainability officer, rating Scope 3 emissions into those targets is still practice.
Katharina Beumelburg. She went on to say that not common practice. For example, rival oilfield
75% of Schlumberger’s baseline GHG footprint services firm Baker Hughes’ commitment to
comes from the technologies its customers use. emissions reductions, unveiled in January 2019,
“To address this, Schlumberger has introduced only included Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.
our Transition Technologies portfolio, which is Baker Hughes pledged at the time to reduce
designed to help customers reduce their Scope 1 those emissions by 50% by 2030 and achieve
and 2 emissions while simultaneously enabling net-zero emissions by 2050.
us to meet our Scope 3 emissions target,” she While previous emissions reduction targets
said. can be revised, Scope 3 is expected to be a par-
The Transition Technologies portfo- ticularly challenging category to address. This
lio will address fugitive emissions, flaring week, Baker Hughes’ CEO, Lorenzo Simonelli,
reduction, electrification, well construc- called for regulators to create incentives for the
tion emissions and full-field development, industry to reduce emissions.
Week 25 24•June•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P11