Page 6 - NorthAm Week 25 2021
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Costs of supplying

       US LNG to Asia rise

       A new report has found that the cost of

       supplying US LNG to Asia rose this year, but US

       production of the fuel is still anticipated to hit

       record highs

        GLOBAL           THE cost of supplying US LNG to Asia has  with the summer of 2020, when depressed
                         risen this year, a new report by consultancy Rys-  demand amid the pandemic led to numerous
       WHAT:             tad Energy has found. This has been attributed  cancellations of US cargoes. While US LNG
       The cost of supplying US   primarily to a jump in transportation costs for  was already seen to be rebounding by the end of
       LNG to Asia has risen this   LNG, driven by higher charter rates and fuel  2020, the cancellations resulted in liquefaction
       year, according to a new   prices, and has also affected other producers of  plants on the Gulf Coast shutting in output. Rys-
       report by Rystad Energy.  the super-chilled fuel. However, the consultancy  tad has estimated that about 12mn tonnes of US
                         went on to say that despite the rise in costs, US  LNG exports were shut in last year, but added
       WHY:              LNG production would hit a new record high of  that it does not see any signs of shut-ins in 2021.
       This is primarily   72mn tonnes in 2021.
       attributed to a jump in   The findings come as both US production of  Short-run marginal cost
       transportation costs for   LNG and Asian demand continue to grow, and  The short-run marginal cost (SRMC) of US LNG
       LNG, driven by higher   the world opens up in the wake of the worst of  exports is the main focus of Rystad’s new report,
       charter rates and fuel   the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Rys-  which was unveiled this week. The consultancy
       prices.           tad is not the only one forecasting that US LNG  found that the SRMC of US LNG exports to
                         production will reach record highs this year. The  the Asian market had risen to about $5.60 per
       WHAT NEXT:        US Energy Information Administration (EIA)  million British thermal units ($154.90 per 1,000
       US LNG production is still   projects in its latest Short-Term Energy Out-  cubic metres) as of June 2021. This marks a
       forecast to reach record   look that LNG exports will hit a new record in  65% increase from $3.40 per mmBtu ($94.04
       highs in 2021.    2021 – with the trend therefore also extending  per 1,000 cubic metres) in mid-2020 and a
                         to production.                       30% increase on last year’s average of $4.30 per
                           If these expectations play out, it will mark a  mmBtu ($118.94 per 1,000 cubic metres).
                         turnaround for the US LNG industry compared   As well as being affected by rising

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