Page 12 - MEOG Week 18 2022
P. 12

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

         Despite talk of a U.S. “Plan B” to address   (Mubadala) last week announced a strategic   ADNOC is well-positioned to capitalize
       Iran’s nuclear program if the deal cannot be   transaction involving Borealis AG (Borealis),   on growth opportunities in the chemicals and
       revived, there are few good options.   one of Europe’s leading petrochemical   petrochemical sector, building on its world-
         Iran has been saying with or without a   companies. Under this agreement, ADNOC   class refining and petrochemicals facilities
       revival of the JCPOA it has no intention to   will acquire a 25% shareholding in Borealis   in Al Ruwais Industrial City, Abu Dhabi.
       build nuclear arms. The main lever big powers   from Mubadala. Financial details of the   The Company has already embarked on a
       have is to cut Iran’s oil exports.  transaction are not being disclosed.  major expansion drive, including the recently
         While Washington won the tacit support of   Upon completion of the transaction, which   announced Borouge 4 complex and the
       Moscow and Beijing to curb Iranian exports   is subject to customary closing conditions   TA’ZIZ Industrial Chemicals Zone in Ruwais.
       via U.S. sanctions in the years before the 2015   and regulatory approvals, Borealis will be   His Excellency Khaldoon Khalifa Al
       deal, there is no such consensus among the big  owned 25% by ADNOC and 75% by OMV, an   Mubarak, Managing Director and Group
       powers. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine despite   Austrian multi-national integrated oil, gas and   CEO, Mubadala, said: “We have partnered
       U.S. and European warnings show Moscow’s   petrochemical company listed on the Vienna   with OMV and ADNOC for two decades
       assent cannot be taken for granted.  Stock Exchange. Borealis is a leading global   to build Borealis into a global champion.
         China is the chief buyer of Iranian oil and   provider of advanced and circular polyolefin   Throughout this time, we have been proud
       the sources said getting it to cut back will be   solutions and a European market leader in   of the company’s growth, innovation and
       tough when oil supplies are tight.  base chemicals, fertilizers and mechanical   continuing success in sustainability. Now the
         Asked previously about its purchase of   recycling of plastics.        time is right for OMV and ADNOC to take
       Iranian oil in violation of U.S. sanctions,   The investment in Borealis extends   this partnership to the next level capitalizing
       China’s Foreign Ministry has reiterated   ADNOC’s international footprint in the   on synergies with the wider ADNOC
       Beijing’s opposition to U.S. extraterritorial   fast-growing chemicals and petrochemical   portfolio.”
       sanctions and urged the United States to   sector, unlocking new opportunities in key   This investment represents the latest
       remove its unilateral sanctions.    markets where Borealis operates, particularly   milestone in ADNOC’s strategic growth
         Iranian oil exports rose in the first quarter   in Europe and the Americas. This transaction   and investment approach and reinforces
       to an average of 870,000 barrels per day,   marks another important milestone as   ADNOC’s role as a catalyst for responsible
       according to Kpler, which tracks oil flows, up   ADNOC accelerates the delivery of its   and sustainable investment and value creation
       from 668,000 bpd in the fourth quarter.  Downstream and Industrial growth program,   for Abu Dhabi and the UAE.
         The United States would, in effect, have to   further expanding the Company’s long-  ADNOC
       manage one effort to cut Russia’s oil exports   standing partnership with Borealis.
       and another to slash Iran’s.           Commenting on the transaction, His
         “Can you galvanize two sanctions   Excellency Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, Minister of   OIL
       coalitions at once? That’s tricky,” said another   Industry and Advanced Technology and
       source, saying Iran is now selling about half   ADNOC Managing Director and Group   Noticeable increase in
       the volume of oil that it could sell if U.S.   CEO said: “Globally, the chemicals and
       sanctions were removed but, because of the   petrochemical sector is poised for significant   Japan’s imports of UAE
       price rise, pocketing the same revenue.  consumer-led growth in the decades ahead.
         “(Why should Tehran) make a painful   ADNOC is therefore delighted to be making   crude
       concession when they’re basically already   this strategic investment for a 25% stake in
       getting that oil benefit?” he said.  Borealis, a world-leading petrochemicals   Japan’s imports of crude oil from the United
       TEHRAN TIMES                        company, with whom we have already   Arab Emirates increased significantly in
                                           collaborated in a close and trusted partnership  March 2022, reaching 34.11 million barrels, or
                                           over two decades through our jointly held   38.3% of the total, compared to 24.67 million
       COMPANIES                           Abu Dhabi-based polyolefins company   barrels, or 31.4% in February, according to
                                           Borouge. Alongside OMV, ADNOC will   data from the Agency for Natural Resources
       ADNOC acquires 25% stake            be a co-shareholder in Borealis, with this   and Energy, that belong to the Ministry of
                                                                                Economy, Trade and Industry.
                                           investment giving further impetus to our
       in Borealis                         local and international petrochemical and   providers and at a crucial importance for the
                                                                                  This puts the UAE on the top of crude oil
                                           industrial growth program and accelerating
       Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)   our transformation into an integrated and   Japanese energy needs.
       and Mubadala Investment Company     global energy player.”                 Japan’s total oil imports in March

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