Page 8 - LatAmOil Week 41
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LatAmOil NRG LatAmOil
Meanwhile, Nigeria’s Dangote conglomerate clean energy capacities, are likely to support the
plans to bring on stream a new 650,000 barrel deeper cuts. However, coal-reliant countries
per day (bpd) refinery in Lekki in 2021-2022, but like Poland and the Czech Republic are likely to
there is a risk of delays. Once the plant is online, resist, amid concerns about the economic fallout.
though, Nigeria expects to have spare fuel for Rather than undermining the drive towards
export. Meanwhile, NNPC wants to modernise decarbonisation, the coronavirus (COVID-
its four existing plants by attracting international 19) crisis has led the EU to step up its efforts
investment. Under current circumstances, this to become cleaner. Last month, the European
search could take some time. Parliament also backed the inclusion of pollu-
Over in South Sudan, independent fuel sup- tion from shipping in the EU emissions trading
plier Trinity Energy has entered into talks with system. This is another proposal that could face
financiers and contractors to build a $500mn opposition from some less affluent member Rather than
oil refinery at Paloich, according to the compa- states, though.
ny’s CEO Robert Mdeza. Trinity has engaged Meanwhile, Denmark’s latest offshore licens- undermining the
Chemex (US) to serve as the project’s manager, ing round remains in limbo over climate con- drive towards
and preparatory work will be funded by the Afri- cerns. The government has called on political
can Export-Import Bank, he said on October 6. parties to discuss the future of oil and gas explo- decarbonisation,
Operations will start in two to three years, ration and decide whether the contest should
and the refinery will handle 40,000 bpd of go ahead. The round was launched last year and the pandemic has
locally produced crude from fields in the oil-rich attracted offers from France’s Total, Sweden’s
Upper Nile region. Trinity may eventually raise Lundin Petroleum, Hungary’s MOL and Ardent led the EU to step
the plant’s capacity to 200,000 bpd, a move that Oil of the UK. But all of these companies have up its efforts to
would put it in a position to supply customers withdrawn their bids, save Ardent.
across East Africa. Lastly, Norway’s Equinor has announced become cleaner
delays and cost overruns at several key fields,
If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping blaming the setbacks on the coronavirus pan-
the downstream sector of Africa and the Middle East, demic and the impact of a weaker Norwegian
then please click here for NewsBase’s DMEA Monitor. krone. The projects in question are Martin Linge,
Johan Castberg and Njord Future.
Europe: EU eyes tougher emissions targets
Members of the European Parliament on Octo- If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
ber 6 voted strongly in favour of adopting a Europe’s oil and gas sector then please click here for
legally binding target for the EU to curb green- NewsBase’s EurOil Monitor.
house gas (GHG) emissions by 60% by 2030
against 1990 levels, above the previous 40% goal. FSU: Political interference at Naftogaz
Lawmakers thus went further than the European US businessman and former diplomat Amos
Commission’s proposal, which was to revise the Hochstein has resigned as an independent
target to 55%. director on the supervisory board of Ukrain-
Parliament must now agree the final law with ian national gas company Naftogaz, complain-
the EU’s 27 member states. Wealthier states such ing of opposition to reforms and of political
as France and Germany, which have significant interference.
P8 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 41 15•October•2020