Page 11 - LatAmOil Week 41
P. 11

LatAmOil                                         MEXICO                                            LatAmOil

       Mexico may be carrying

       out low-profile oil hedge

                         THE Mexican government appears to be carry-  both sides of the deal said around that time that
                         ing out this year’s oil hedge, which is usually the   they were expecting a smaller hedge, since the
                         largest deal of its kind to hit Wall Street, but is   options used to protect oil profits had become
                         doing so in a discreet manner. The Finance Min-  more expensive.
                         istry has declared the operation a state secret,   The 2020 hedge, arranged last year, locked
                         Bloomberg reported last week.        Mexican crude prices in at $49 a barrel.
                           Time is running out to finalise the deal for   Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez
                         2021, and there is no concrete evidence that   Obrador has said that this year’s oil-hedging
                         Mexican authorities have initiated the process.   programme will help protect government oil
                         Nevertheless, many traders and brokers suspect   revenues, which have been battered by falling
                         the hedge is already underway, arguing that   crude prices caused by lower demand. Prices
                         recent crude price shifts stem partly from activ-  for Maya crude, the country’s main export
                         ity in Mexico, the news agency said. “Last week’s   grade, dropped to historic lows earlier this year,
                         market plunge began when Mexico started its   owing to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pan-
                         annual hedge,” it quoted Amrita Sen, chief oil   demic and conflict between leading producing
                         analyst at consultant Energy Aspects, as saying   nations Saudi Arabia and Russia. The Mexican
                         in a note to clients.                Finance Ministry estimates that Maya will aver-
                           Bloomberg also noted that Gary Ross, an oil   age around $24 per barrel for the remainder of
                         consultant-turned-investor, had suggested that   the year. ™
                         Mexico has been in the market very recently.
                         Meanwhile, at least one brokerage has quoted a
                         deal for the Mexican flagship crude blend Maya
                         for 2021 on the over-the-counter (OTC) deriva-
                         tives market, it said.
                           Mexico’s government asked banks to submit
                         quotes for the oil-hedging programme, which
                         it typically finances by a mixture of purchasing
                         options from North American banks and oil
                         majors and reserving part of a special fund, in
                         April. At the time, it indicated that it expected to
                         pay a larger price for less coverage because of the
                         higher volatility the oil market has experienced
                         this year.
                           It also signalled that the 2021 programme
                         would be worth less than the usual amount of
                         around $1bn per year. Bankers and officials on   Prices for Maya crude are likely to average $24/bbl in 2020 (Image: Mercopress)

                                              TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
       BP subsidiary begins drilling

       work at Matapal gas field

                         A subsidiary of BP has begun drilling the first   undertaken by the Maersk Discoverer, a
                         of three new wells at Matapal, a natural gas field   semi-submersible rig [that] arrived in Trinidad
                         offshore Trinidad and Tobago.        on September 3, 2020,” it said.
                           In a statement, bp Trinidad and Tobago   The company and its partner Repsol (Spain)
                         (bpTT) confirmed the start of development   intend to drill three new wells at the field in
                         drilling. “The drilling operations for Mata-  order to tap into the Savannah gas reservoir dis-
                         pal commenced on October 8 and are being   covered in 2017, the statement noted.

       Week 41   15•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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