Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 41
P. 15

LatAmOil                                         BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

                         LNG delivered to Barcarena can be regasified   The statement on the signing of Hygo’s MoU
                         and piped to local thermal power plants (TPPs),   with GdP follows the news that Brazil’s national
                         the company added. Some of the gas is likely to   oil company (NOC) Petrobras has rejected
                         go to Hygo’s 605-MW station in Pará State. This   Golar’s bid for access to an underutilised LNG
                         TPP, which secured a 25-year power purchase   import facility in Bahia State. Petrobras said ear-
                         agreement (PPA) earlier this week, can consume   lier in October that it had declined to accept a
                         the equivalent of 600,000 tonnes per year (tpy)   Golar subsidiary’s offer to lease the Bahia LNG
                         of LNG, Golar said.                  terminal, citing concerns about excessive risk.
                           In a separate statement, the company   The NOC’s decision appears to have been
                         reported that Hygo had finalised the PPA on the   prompted by reports of Golar CEO Eduardo
                         same day that it had agreed to terminate an MoU   Antonello’s involvement in bribery charges.
                         signed in July with Norsk Hydro (Norway). That   Golar announced on October 12 that Antonello
                         document outlined plans for LNG deliveries to   was stepping down and would be replaced by
                         Alunorte, Norsk Hydro’s aluminium refinery in   Paul Hanrahan, the former president and CEO
                         Barcarena.                           of US-based AES Corp. ™

       IAE: Argentina’s gas output sank in August

                         ARGENTINA saw natural gas production drop   day. Meanwhile, the US super-major ExxonMo-
                         by 14.1% in August to reach 4.38bn cubic feet   bil produced 42 mmcf (1.19 mcm) per day of gas
                         (124mn cubic metres) per day, according to the   from its Vaca Muerta fields in August.
                         latest monthly report from the state-run Argen-  Total and ExxonMobil, along with Chevron
                         tine Energy Institute (IAE).         (US) and a subsidiary of BP (US), are among the
                           Newly released IAE data show that gas out-  international oil companies (IOCs) that have
                         put levels were down in every basin across the   invested in Vaca Muerta, which is one of the
                         country in the month of August. Neuquén,   largest shale formations in the world. The for-
                         Argentina’s largest gas-producing province, saw   mation is around the size of Belgium and con-
                         production fall to 2.72 bcf (77.03 mcm) per day   tains around 308 trillion cubic feet (8.72 trillion
                         in August, down from 3.23 bcf (91.47 mcm)   cubic metres) of shale gas, according to the US
                         per day in the same month of last year. In July,   Energy Information Administration (EIA).
                         by contrast, fields in Neuquén yielded 2.79 bcf   Production levels have fallen off in recent
                         (79.01 mcm) per day.                 months as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-
                           The province is home to the majority of the   19) pandemic. In April, for example, YPF cut
                         Vaca Muerta shale formation, which produced   output at its key oil play in Vaca Muerta, on the
                         some 1.14 bcf (32.28 mcm) per day in August,   grounds that demand had fallen off during the
                         down from 1.26 bcf (35.68 mcm) per day in the   lockdown imposed to try to contain the out-
                         same month of last year. The formation’s output   break. ™
                         was more or less flat compared to July.
                           The largest producers working in Vaca
                         Muerta in August were the Argentinian inde-
                         pendent Tecpetrol, which produced 463 mil-
                         lion cubic feet (13.11 mcm) per day, followed
                         by state-run oil firm YPF with 258 mmcf (7.31
                         mcm) per day and the local subsidiary of French
                         oil major Total with 180 mmcf (5.1 mcm) per

       Quito eyes new oil-backed loan from China

                         ECUADOR is hoping to sign a new US$1.4bn   existing debts and encourage competition
                         oil-backed loan agreement with China next   among Chinese oil traders, Ortiz told local news
                         month, according to the South American coun-  agencies last week. China Development Bank
                         try’s Minister of Energy and Non-Renewable   (CDB) will lead the syndicate that is putting
                         Natural Resources René Ortiz.        together the loan, which will also be backed by a
                           The sovereign credit deal aims to restructure   German financial institution, he said.

       Week 41   15•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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