Page 18 - LatAmOil Week 41
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The well was intended to further evaluate a sec- positioning rig operations for up to seven wells
ondary target of stacked or repeated intervals of in water depths between 150 metres and 700
Gr7bc intermediate Herrera sands from approx- metres.
imately 8,800 feet (2,680 metres) to a planned Oceaneering will provide eight suction piles
total depth of 9,870 feet (3,008 metres). The well that will be manufactured locally as well as 10
was drilled to a total measured depth of 10,039 wellhead load relief (WLR) tensioners, one mon-
feet or 3,060 metres (true vertical depth of 9,776 itoring system to be integrated on the BOP and
feet or 2,980 metres) on October 11, 2020, and one suction pile pump to install the suction piles.
was extended past its originally planned depth An anchor handling tug supply (AHTS) ves-
due to hydrocarbon shows at 9,820 feet (2,993 sel will launch and install the suction piles and
metres). tensioners. The drilling rig will be used to con-
Despite being spud a mere 1.5 km south of nect the tensioners to the BOP.
Cascadura, the Chinook anticline is separate “We appreciate Petrobras’ trust in our ability
from, and distinctly different than the Cascadura to provide dependable and cost-effective tech-
anticline to the north. The structural mapping on nologies and services,” said Daniel Nogueira,
the Herrera interval reveals that Cascadura and Manager, Oceaneering Projects Group. “This
Chinook are two anticlines converging toward award reinforces our position and track record
each other, with Cascadura being a tighter but as a high-quality service provider in Brazil. This
heavily stacked fold, thereby making it a taller deliver a range of butterfly, ball, globe and check is an amazing opportunity for Oceaneering
structure, while Chinook is interpreted to be a valves supplied in carbon stainless-steel, super to expand its capabilities in Brazil with BOP
simpler, broader fold. duplex and nickel aluminium bronze material. anchoring services.”
The Chinook-1 well is the third of a four well The valves will vary in sizes, with the maximum Oceaneering International, October 13 2020
exploration commitment under Touchstone’s being 20 inches (508 mm) in diameter and max-
Ortoire Exploration and Production Licence. imum pressure class being 2500, to support the DOF Subsea awarded
The Company has an 80% working interest in topside processing requirements of the vessel.
the licence but is responsible for 100% of the PJV has won further work for the Mero 2 MPSV contract on
drilling, completion and testing costs associated FPSO, which will produce 180,000 barrels of
with the initial four exploration wells. Heritage oil per day. The company has been contracted Mero field in Brazil
Petroleum holds the remaining 20% working to supply six packages of vales for different top-
interest. Touchstone has no reserves associated side process including gas and water services. The DOF Group is pleased to announce another
with the Chinook-1 well included in the Com- These will be installed within the 33,000-tonne contract award in Brazil for the Libra Consor-
pany’s December 31, 2019, independent reserves weight of the FPSO topsides. In this case, PJV tium, supporting Petrobras’ operation activities
report. worked closely with the customer on the oper- on the Brazilian continental shelf.
Further testing is required to determine the ator requirements to meet project specifications Petrobras has awarded DOF Subsea a three-
economic viability and potential of the well, and and short lead times. year MPSV vessel contract for the Mero field.
the Company plans to commence completion James Moir, Group Sales Director, PJV, says: Skandi Salvador is the vessel that will operate
and production testing operations during the “Brazil is a beacon of light at a very challenging 2 x WROV for 24 hours providing inspection,
first quarter of 2021. time for the oil and gas industry. These contracts maintenance and subsea commissioning ser-
Touchstone Exploration, October 14 2020 highlight our technical and commercial exper- vices in water depths of up to 2,500 metres,
tise where we can work with the customer to including shallow dive services with Oceânica.
deliver on design and supply requirements. As The contract reinforces DOF’s strategic posi-
SERVICES we have ownership of our factory, we have full tioning in the Brazilian market. Since June 2020,
control and management of projects, which the DOF Group has been awarded contracts in
PJV seals two FPSO makes it a smooth and easy process for our cus- Brazil worth $250mn.
DOF Subsea Brazil will be responsible for the
tomers. We are thrilled to add these contract
deals in Brazil wins to our portfolio and to continue winning ROV operations, while Norskan will be respon-
sible for marine operations. Both companies are
similar projects in the region.”
PJ Valves (PJV), the specialist manufacturer and PJ Valves, October 13 2020 100% owned subsidiaries of DOF ASA.
supplier of valves for the global energy industry, Mons S Aase, CEO of DOF Group, said: “I
has been awarded two significant FPSO valve Oceaneering awarded BOP am very pleased over being awarded this long-
contracts for projects in Brazil. The company term contract with Petrobras. The award further
will manufacture and supply valves packages to tethering services contract strengthens DOF’s position in the IMR market
both projects in the Santos and Campos basins. in Brazil. DOF Subsea is dedicated to deliver
PJV was awarded the contracts by two sep- from Petrobras in Brazil efficient services without compromise to safety.”
arate operators due to its customer service and Libra Consortium is led by Petrobras – with
high standard of design, manufacturing and Oceaneering International is proud to announce a 40% interest – in partnership with Shell Bra-
distribution capabilities. Within the bid process, that the company has been awarded a BOP teth- sil (20%); Total (20%), CNODC (10%) and
PJV worked with each client on cost saving and ering services contract offshore Brazil from CNOOC Ltd (10%). The Consortium also has
beneficial engineering enhancements. Petrobras. The contract duration is one-year the participation of the state-owned company
The Marlim 2 FPSO project will have the with the option to extend for an additional year. Pré-Sal Petróleo SA (PPSA) as manager of the
capacity to process up to 70,000 barrels of oil and The scope of work includes data acquisi- Production Sharing Agreement.
4mn cubic metres per day of natural gas. PJV will tion and real-time riser analysis for dynamic DOF Subsea, October 12 2020
P18 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 41 15•October•2020