Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 41
P. 14

LatAmOil                                          BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

       Norwegian-Brazilian consortium

       in talks to buy Brazil’s Peroa fields

                         A Norwegian-Brazilian consortium is report-  cubic metres of gas per day, in contrast to pre-
                         edly in bilateral talks with Brazil’s state-run oil   vious years when output was several times that
                         and gas major Petrobras to acquire a cluster of   amount. But if the Malombe prospect were to be
                         offshore natural gas fields known as Peroa.  developed, the fields would be capable of raising
                           Discussions are underway with a consortium   production levels to around 2.5 mcm per day,
                         made up of Brazil’s 3R Petroleum and Norwe-  more than double the current level.
                         gian-Brazilian DBO Energy, two sources with   Petrobras is unloading the Peroa fields within
                         direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters last   the framework of a plan to pay down debts and
                         week. If the deal goes through, the cluster would   recover from the Lava Jato corruption scandal by
                         be among the assets sold by Petrobras consisting   divesting non-core assets and focusing on Bra-
                         entirely of gas, the news agency said.  zil’s highly prospective deepwater pre-salt area.
                           Peroa is expected to be sold for a relatively   Last December, the company said it intended to
                         low price compared with other production   sell $20-30bn worth of assets, including eight
                         assets that Petrobras has put up for sale in the   Brazilian refineries, in the 2020-2024 period.
                         same area, owing to the maturity of the fields,   Rio de Janeiro-based DBO is staffed by Bra-
                         according to Reuters’ sources. The cluster has   zilian and Norwegian executives, and its share-
                         been under development for almost 15 years.  holders include Germany’s RWE, among other
                           The Peroa group of fields lies off the coast of   companies.
                         the southern Brazilian state of Espirito Santo. It   3R, meanwhile, was partially founded by for-
                         also includes the Malombe prospect, which was   mer Petrobras executives and is backed by the
                         discovered in 2011.                  Sao Paolo-based private equity firm Starboard
                           Last year, the cluster yielded just under 1mn   Restructuring Partners. ™

       Hygo Energy aims to strike

       LNG supply deal with GdP

                         HYGO Energy – a joint venture between Golar   shipments into the state.
                         LNG and Stonepeak Infrastructure Partners,   This arrangement would allow Pará to gain
                         both registered in Bermuda – is looking to strike   access to a source of cleaner-burning and less
                         a fuel supply deal with Companhia de Gás do   costly fuel, Golar said.
                         Pará (GdP), a Brazilian company that has a
                         monopoly on natural gas distribution in the iso-
                         lated northern state of Pará.
                           In a statement dated October 14, Golar
                         reported that Hygo and GdP had signed a mem-
                         orandum of understanding (MoU) that lays the
                         groundwork for co-operation on this front. The
                         MoU calls for the parties to assess the potential
                         of the gas market in Pará, which is home to the
                         mouth of the Amazon River, and then move on
                         to negotiations on gas deliveries.
                           Hygo hopes these talks will lead to the sign-
                         ing of a supply contract that would allow it to
                         deliver LNG to Pará.
                           According to the statement, LNG will arrive
                         via a terminal that the joint venture has commit-
                         ted to build in the port of Barcarena. The facility
                         is slated to serve as the only point of entry for gas   The company will import LNG via the Barcarena terminal (Image: Hygo Energy)

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   15•October•2020
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