Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 41
P. 17

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            the Ortoire exploration drilling programme in
                                           August 2019.
       President Energy                    depth of 10,039 feet (3,060 metres) to test a sepa-
                                              Highlights: Chinook-1 was drilled to a total
       announces Rio Negro                 rate structural formation 1.5 km south from the
                                           successful Cascadura gas discovery; wireline
       drilling update                     logs indicated significant natural gas pay total-
                                           ling approximately 589 feet (179.5 metres) net in
       AIM-listed President Energy has provided an  three unique thrust sheets in the Herrera sands;
       update in relation to its drilling operations at the  additional natural gas pay of approximately 20
       Estancia Vieja and Las Bases fields, Rio Negro,  feet (6.1 metres) net was encountered in the shal-
       Argentina.                          lower Cruse formation; completion and testing
         Drilling Programme: The exploration well  of the well is expected to be undertaken during
       EVN-x1 at the Estancia Vieja field, Rio Negro  the first quarter of 2021. We expect the drilling  Chinook well exceeded pre-drill expectations.
       Province, has now been spudded.     rig to mobilise to our Cascadura Deep location  The successful exploration well further confirms
         As previously announced, the intended target  prior to the end of the month.  the geological model developed by our team and
       is an undrilled and undrained structure within   Drilling samples and open hole wireline logs  is expected to provide significant development
       the larger Estancia Vieja field where the P50 suc-  indicated that the Chinook-1 well encountered  opportunities in the Chinook area. With both
       cess case for this well is oil of 40 cubic metres  a significant Herrera turbidite package with  the shallow and deepest zones being new to the
       per day (250 bpd) and gas of 60,000 cubic metres  a total thickness of 2,000 feet (6,096 metres)  area, it also identified future exploration oppor-
       per day (350 boepd) and where the structure as  containing over 1,480 feet (451.1 metres) of  tunities. The Company’s focus is now on the
       a whole could contain 5-14mn barrels of oil in  sand. Open hole well logs and drilling samples  drilling of the Cascadura Deep exploration well,
       place and 11-26 bcf (312-736 mcm) of gas. In  indicated that these sands contain an aggregate  which will impact the timing of Chinook-1 pro-
       the event of success, it would open the possi-  589 feet (179.5 metres) net of natural gas pay in  duction testing operations to ensure the safety of
       bility of some six follow-on wells, of which five  three unique thrust sheets. The well encountered  operations. I would like to thank our contractors,
       would likely target gas and the other oil. There  341 feet (103.9 metres) net of hydrocarbon pay  suppliers, government officials and our staff who
       are no current reserves booked for any part of  in the Gr7a section of the overthrust Herrera  have worked together to keep us moving forward
       this structure.                     sands at measured depths between 8,154 feet  during these challenging times.”
         The cost of the well is estimated at $2.5mn  (2,485 metres) and 8,710 feet (2,655 metres). The   James Shipka, Chief Operating Officer, stated:
       with approximately 28 days to drill down to the  overthrust Gr7a sands were the Company’s pri-  “We continue to see the significant and growing
       2,000 metres target depth.          mary target originally identified in the offsetting  potential of the Ortoire exploration block with
         A further announcement will be made once  BW-7X well. 180 feet (54.9 metres) net of hydro-  Chinook-1 encountering over 2,000 feet [609.6
       target depth is reached and logging of the well  carbon pay was identified in the Gr7bc section  metres] of turbidite deposits, nearly 1,500 feet
       has taken place, estimated to be by the end of  of the intermediate Herrera sands at measured  [457 metres] of developed sands and a total of
       November.                           depths between 8,850 feet (2,697 metres) and  over 600 feet [183 metres] of natural gas pay. At
         A workover rig has now been moved to the  9,750 feet (2,972 metres). The sands encountered  a depth of 10,039 feet [3,060 metres], Chinook-1
       newly drilled well LB-1001 at the Las Bases field  in this thrust sheet also correlate to the offsetting  is one of the deepest wells drilled onshore Trin-
       in order to complete the well ready for testing  BW-7X well and were the Company’s secondary  idad in almost a decade and verifies the evolu-
       and then production. A further announcement  target. Some 68 feet (20.7 metres) net of hydro-  tion of our drilling practices since commencing
       in relation to this well is expected to be made  carbon pay were identified in the Gr7bc section  our exploration programme. For Chinook-1,
       before the end of October. In respect of the work-  in a subthrust sheet of Herrera sands at meas-  we employed a synthetic oil-based mud system
       over programme, a summary of the work and  ured depths between 9,750 feet (2,972 metres)  that assisted in drilling while reducing formation
       results will be provided at the end of the year.  and 10,003 feet (3,049 metres). This represents  damage and incorporated a top drive onto the
       President Energy, October 14 2020   a previously unknown thrust sheet as no sands  drilling rig to aid in drilling to greater depths. We
                                           of this depth were previously penetrated in the  intend to replicate these drilling practices mov-
       Touchstone announces                offsetting wells.                    ing forward given Chinook-1 demonstrated our
                                              In addition to the Herrera sandstones and  ability to successfully conduct complex oper-
       significant natural gas             the associated hydrocarbon discoveries, an  ations in a safe manner while strictly adhering
                                                                                to restrictions imposed during the ongoing
                                           additional 20 feet (6.1 metres) net of hydrocar-
       discovery at Chinook                bon pay was identified in the Cruse formation  COVID 19 pandemic.’
                                           at depths between 2,996 feet (913.2 metres) and
                                                                                  The Chinook-1 exploration well was spudded
       Touchstone Exploration has completed drilling  3,021 feet (920.8 metres). This represents a new  on August 13, 2020, using Well Services Petro-
       the Chinook-1 exploration well on the Ortoire  discovery in the area that was not observed in  leum Rig #80. The well was designed to explore
       exploration block, onshore in the Republic of  offsetting well data.     the potential for a thick section of Herrera sand-
       Trinidad and Tobago (Touchstone 80% work-  In the first quarter of 2021, the Company  stones in the SW-NE trending Chinook anti-
       ing interest operator, Heritage Petroleum Co.  expects to initiate a comprehensive comple-  cline, located approximately 1.5 km south of the
       20% working interest) and has announced that  tion and testing plan to evaluate the economic  Cascadura anticline and our associated gas dis-
       the well encountered significant hydrocarbon  potential of the hydrocarbon sands. We expect  covery. The primary target of the Chinook well
       accumulations based on wireline log data. Chi-  the drilling rig to move to the Cascadura Deep  was the Gr7a overthrust Herrera sands near the
       nook-1 is the Company’s third exploration well  location prior to the end of the month.  crest of the structure at an approximate meas-
       drilled on the Ortoire exploration block and the   Paul R. Baay, President and Chief Execu-  ured depth of 8,100 feet (2,470 metres), which is
       third hydrocarbon discovery since commencing  tive Officer, commented: “The results from the  capped by thick Karamat shales.

       Week 41   15•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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