Page 16 - FSUOGM Week 47
P. 16

FSUOGM                                       PERFORMANCE                                            FSUOGM

       Gazprom Neft beats expectations in Q320

        RUSSIA           GAZPROM Neft, the oil arm of Russian natural  quarters.
                         gas giant Gazprom, posted $7.3bn in revenues   "The only surprise was a rise in Net Debt/
       The only surprise was   in Q3 2020 under IFRS, with Ebitda of $1.75bn  Ebitda," BCS GM analysts noted on the increase
       a rise in net debt to   ($2bn with joint venture contributions) beating  of 23% to 1.5x, substantially above the previous
       Ebitda.           the expectations by 22%. Net profit of $0.4bn was  average of 0.75x. Still, the analysts maintained a
                         17% above the consensus forecasts.   Buy recommendation on Gazprom Neft shares
                           As reported by bne IntelliNews, previously in  and suggested focusing on the adaptation of the
                         the second quarter the company's results were sta-  company to the new oil tax regime, as well as the
                         ble, but the cash flow disappointed the investors.  leverage dynamics.
                           "We had expected a substantial quar-  Sova Capital on November 19 also welcomed
                         ter-on-quarter improvement in results due to  Gazprom Neft's return to being cash flow posi-
                         the improved macro background, and Gazprom  tive in the reporting quarter, seeing the results as
                         Neft didn’t disappoint, reporting Ebitda that was  supportive for the name.
                         +89% q/q in US dollar terms and net income   Even though the results are solid, Sova reit-
                         that was +24% q/q, even if the latter is still well  erated a Hold recommendation on the com-
                         below pre-[coronavirus] COVID-19 levels," BCS  pany's shares. The reaction on 3Q20 numbers
                         Global Markets commented on November 19.  is expected by the analysts to be "somewhat
                           The free cash flow (FCF) also came in strong  muted, since the 9M-2020 dividend was already
                         at about $0.7bn, more than double the average  announced at RUB5/share, implying a yield of
                         of $0.3bn per quarter seen in the previous 6  1.6%." ™

       German businesses urge Washington to

       reconsider Nord Stream 2 sanctions

        GERMANY          GERMAN businesses have urged Washington  Oliver Hermes, chairman of the German East-
                         to reconsider new sanctions against companies  ern Business Association, said on November 23.
       Washington is believed   involved in the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline’s con-  “Such an approach is completely out of the ques-
       to be drawing up   struction, warning they could jeopardise the  tion among allies.”
       additional sanctions.  potential reset in EU-US relations when Presi-  The US sanctions are in breach of inter-
                         dent-elect Joe Biden assumes the presidency in  national law, he said, calling on the outgoing
                         January.                             administration of US President Donald Trump
                            The US slapped its first sanctions on the pro-  to “respect European sovereignty and again to
                         ject in December last year, bringing pipelaying  co-operate comprehensively with German and
                         to a halt with just 6% of Nord Stream 2’s offshore  European authorities.”
                         section left to complete. The State Department   He added that statements by leading Dem-
                         expanded the sanctions in late October, threat-  ocrats “gives us hope for a fresh start in trans-
                         ening to apply them to any firm “providing  atlantic relations under Joe Biden,” but warned
                         services or facilities or upgrades or installa-  that Trump’s team could undermine that new
                         tion of equipment” for vessels taking part in  beginning through its actions over the next two
                         construction.                        months.
                            Washington is reportedly now drawing up   Nord Stream 2 links Russia directly with Ger-
                         additional sanctions, with House and Senate  many and, once finished, will carry up to 55bn
                         negotiators agreeing to target insurers and tech-  cubic metres per year of Russian gas. Russia’s
                         nical certification companies working on the  Gazprom owns the project and financed half
                         project. These sanctions will be included in a  of its €9.5bn ($11.3bn) cost, while the rest was
                         defence bill that must pass by the end of the year,  covered by France’s Engie, Austria’s OMV, Royal
                         sources told Bloomberg.              Dutch Shell, and Germany’s Uniper and Winter-
                            “We have observed since the summer that the  shall Dea. The latter two are both members of the
                         US administration has tried to use its embassies  German Eastern Business Association, as is Gaz-
                         in the EU to put European companies under  prom through its German subsidiary Gazprom
                         pressure and threaten them with sanctions,”  Germania. ™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 47   25•November•2020
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