Page 20 - FSUOGM Week 47
P. 20

FSUOGM                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       RUSSIA                              fields 4A and 5A of the Achimov formations   in the first 10 months to 23.2mn tonnes,
                                           of the Urengoiskoye deposit at the end of   according to the State Statistics Committee as
       Russia's Gazprom to                 first quarter of next year," Mehren said.  cited by Reuters.
                                                                                  The BTC exports oil from the Azeri,
                                              Achim Development, a joint venture
       discuss additional gas              between Wintershall DEA and Gazprom,   Chirag and Guneshli (ACG) oilfields
                                                                                operated by BP.
                                           works on the 4A and 5A Achimov blocks of
       volumes to Chinese CNPC             the Urengoiskoye gas condensate field.  October totalled 29.3mn tonnes, around 80%
                                                                                  Azerbaijan’s oil exports for January-
                                              Reserves of the blocks only within the
       Russian natural gas giant Gazprom will   license area of Gazprom Dobycha Urengoi   of which was via the BTC.
       discuss expanding the capacity of Power of   exceed 1 trillion cubic meters of gas and 400   The volume of transit oil, originating
       Siberia (Sila Sibiri) pipeline with Chinese   million tonnes of condensate under the C1   in Kazakhstan, through BTC decreased to
       CNPC, according to the report by Interfax.  category.                    3.3mn tonnes in the first 10 months from
         As reported by bne IntelliNews,                                        3.8mn tonnes a year earlier.
       Gazprom's exports to Europe and China                                      Azerbaijan also exports oil via Russia
       rose to 17.5bn cubic metres in October 2020,   OPEC+ committee says      through the Baku-Novorossiisk pipeline and
       marking the company's highest ever non-CIS                               via Georgia by rail and through the Baku-
       export volume for the month of October.  Russia’s compliance at          Supsa pipeline that runs to the Black Sea
         Reportedly, Gazprom could expand the                                   coast.
       38 bcm per annum contracted until 2025 by   96% in October                 Azerbaijan’s oil exports through BTC fell
       CNPC by an additional 6 bcm.                                             8% in 2019 to 31.135mn tonnes.
         In addition, new contracts for deliveries   Russia’s compliance with the OPEC+
       via Gazprom’s Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-  oil output reduction deal reached 96%
       Vladivostok pipeline and a proposed Power   in October, as seen by PRIME late on
       of Siberia-2 line through Mongolia were   Wednesday in a report prepared for a
       also discussed by Gazprom’s CEO Alexei   meeting of the alliance’s joint ministerial
       Miller and chairman of CNPC’s board Dai   monitoring committee.
       Khoulyan.                              On Tuesday, the OPEC+ states said that
         Finally, deliveries via the Power of Siberia   their compliance with the deal fell to 101%
       pipeline, which only started last December,   in October from 102% in September, with
       have been running above contracted   the OPEC states complying by 105% and
       levels since October, BCS Global Markets   the non-OPEC states by 96%. The combined
       commented on November 23.           amount of unfulfilled obligations stands
         "Expanding Chinese gas deliveries above   at 2.346mn barrels per day between the
       and beyond the initial Power of Siberia   beginning of the deal to the end of October.
       contract seems highly likely in the long
       run, but so far these are only ‘discussions’,"   The OPEC+ countries agreed to reduce
       BCS GM commented, seeing the news   their oil output by significant 9.7mn bpd in
       as modestly positive for Gazprom (Buy   May to fight the consequences of the global
       recommendation).                    coronavirus crisis, with Russia’s share of
         The analysts see the possibilities for   2.5mn bpd. Later, the cut was prolonged
       the other two gas routes as solid, if not   at 9.7mn bpd for July, and narrowed to
       guaranteed. However, with little visibility on   7.7mn bpd for August–December, and
       the issue, the overtake versus the Power of   then to 5.8mn bpd until May 2022. The
       Siberia contract "seems of more immediate   agreement is valid until April 30, 2022, but
       importance", they note.             the members will revise its extension in
         The pipeline exports monopolist has   December 2021.
       recently maintained its dividend policy,
       as the past months' sales have picked up.
       The company also recently said it expects a
       positive cash flow in 2021.         CENTRAL ASIA & SOUTH

       CEO: Wintershall DEA to             Azerbaijan’s 10 month oil

       launch Urengoiskoye field           exports via Baku-Tbilisi-
       in March 2021

       Wintershall DEA expects to start    Ceyhan pipeline fall 11.2%
       development of fields 4A and 5A of the   y/y
       Achimov formations of the Urengoiskoye
       deposit in Russia at the end of March 2021,   Azerbaijan’s oil exports through the Baku-
       CEO Mario Mehren said on November 23.  Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline that runs via
         "We expect to start (the production) at   Georgia to Turkey declined by 11.2% y/y

       P20                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 47   25•November•2020
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