Page 10 - FSUOGM Week 43 2021
P. 10
EU MEPs back binding
methane targets
EUROPE EU lawmakers have backed imposing binding “We need a quick win to tackle climate
targets for cutting methane emissions across change!” Parliament rapporteur Maria Spyraki
The EU is looking to multiple sectors, the European Parliament said. “We must act immediately and achieve
establish a leadership announced on October 21. concrete results on reducing GHG emissions to
in the drive to reduce In a resolution on the EU’s strategy for cut- protect people and the planet today and in the
global emissions of ting methane emissions, MEPs voted 563 to 122 future. By setting binding methane reduction
methane. in favour of introducing binding measures and targets, the EU can play a key role in getting the
targets on methane abatement, in order to sig- rest of the world to do the same.”
nificantly reduce emissions by 2030, in line with After publishing its methane strategy last
Paris goals. year, the European Commission is currently
Mandatory monitoring, reporting and verifi- working on a draft legislative proposal to govern
cation (MRV) measures should be imposed and energy sector methane emissions. It is due to be
mandatory leak detection and repair (LDAR) published in December.
programmes should be imposed for all meth- Commenting on the proposal, European
ane-emitting sectors, the resolution stated. Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson said the
“MEPs want to phase out all fossil fuels in the legislation would be based on two key pillars.
EU as soon as possible. As imports make up over First, it will strive to “improve the accuracy of
80% of the oil and gas consumed in the EU, fos- information on the exact amounts and main
sil fuels should only be imported if they comply sources of methane emissions to allow for more
with EU regulations, MEPs demand,” Parliament effective and more targeted methane abatement
said. “Leak detection efforts should be boosted measures.” Second, it aims to “achieve immedi-
with strict reporting and a requirement to repair ate emission reductions across the energy sup-
potential leaks within a clearly defined period.” ply chain, by intervening on those fronts where
The EU is looking to establish a leadership action is possible. This includes mandatory leak
position in the drive to reduce global emissions detection and repair and limiting venting and
of methane, which is a far more potent green- flaring.”
house gas (GHG) than CO2. In September it The commission is also “exploring the pos-
agreed with the US on delivering a 30% reduc- sibility to incentivise methane emission reduc-
tion in methane emissions within a decade, and tions outside the EU, from our trading partners,”
36 countries have already joined the pledge. it said.
MEPs also noted that agriculture accounts “The EU is a global fossil fuel importer and
for the largest share of anthropogenic methane must use this leverage to foster methane emis-
emissions, primarily as a result of cows and other sions commitments among its suppliers,” it said.
livestock. They want new measures to reduce “This can only be a progressive process. We will
those emissions as well, “while ensuring that work on further measures once more accurate
food production is not just moved outside the and reliable data becomes available.”
EU by insisting that imports from non-EU coun- Russia and other gas suppliers to Europe are
tries meet the same high standards as products devising their own methane rules and targets in
made in the EU. They also stressed the need to order to ensure that emissions do not put them
make reductions in the waste sector. at a disadvantage to their rivals.
P10 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 43 27•October•2021