Page 12 - FSUOGM Week 43 2021
P. 12

FSUOGM                                 PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                         FSUOGM

       Rosneft raises resource estimate

       at Vostok Oil field

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA’S state-owned company Rosneft has  gas reserves. It comprises 52 licence areas in the
                         reported an increase in reserves at one of the  north of the Krasnoyarsk territory and in the
       Rosneft has touted the   fields that comprise its Vostok Oil project in the  Yamalo-Nenets region, comprising 13 oil and
       project's low lifting costs  Russian Arctic.           gas fields.
       and clean production.  The company drilled a well at the Lodoch-  Lodochnoye, one of the smaller of the fields,
                         noye field in the north of the Krasnoyarsk region,  has been flowing oil since 2017.
                         achieving a flow rate of 225 cubic metres per day   Analysts have likened Vostok Oil’s scope
                         of waterless oil, it said on October 26.  to the development of the Western Siberian
                           “The data obtained will make it possible to  oil basin in the 1970s and the development
                         subsequently increase the proven reserves of the  of the Bakken tight oil play in the US over the
                         field,” Rosneft said.                past decade. Rosneft estimates that Vostok
                           Rosneft has been exploring Lodochnoye, a  Oil will be flowing 1mn barrels per day of
                         satellite of the giant Vankor oilfield, since 2014.  oil by 2027 and as much as 2mn bpd in 2030.
                         In the years since, it has drilled seven prospect-  But the company and its partners are yet to
                         ing and exploration wells, and collected 490  take a final investment decision (FID) on
                         square km of seismic data. Its initial recoverable  development.
                         reserves were assessed at 78mn tonnes (572mn   Rosneft is seeking partners to take develop-
                         barrels) of oil and condensate at the start of this  ment forward. It closed a deal earlier this month
                         year, versus a previous estimate of 31mn tonnes.  to bring on board Vitol and Mercantile & Mar-
                           Vostok Oil is Rosneft’s largest upstream  itime Energy as investors with a combined 5%
                         project, containing more than 5bn tonnes of  interest. That followed its divestment of a 10%
                         high-quality low-sulphur oil as well as significant  stake to Trafigura last December. ™

                                                   NEWS IN BRIEF

       RUSSIA                              agreements (PSAs) for three more fields in    Moscow, Riyadh should
                                           the Ghadames and Sirte basins in December
       Tatneft resumes oil                 2006. Altogether, its acreage in Libya covers   oppose imposition of
                                           an area of about 18,000 square km.
       exploration in Libya’s              work at these sites, the company suspended   renewable energy: Novak
                                              After carrying out some exploration
       Ghadames basin                      its activities in 2011, pending a resolution   Russia and Saudi Arabia as the two largest
                                           of the Libyan civil war. It attempted to
                                                                                energy superpowers should oppose artificial
       Russia’s Tatneft, in co-operation with Libya’s   return in 2014 so that it could collect   imposition of renewable energy sources and
       National Oil Corp. (NOC), has resumed   seismic data from a 200-square km area   de-carbonization that hurt sustainability of
       exploration drilling in the country after   in Ghadames but soon departed because   national energy industries, Deputy Prime
       a 10-year hiatus. This move makes the   of a deterioration in security conditions.   Minister Alexander Novak told Saudi
       company, which is based in the Russian   Subsequent attempts to resume exploration   Energy Minister Abdulaziz bin Salman Al
       internal republic of Tatarstan, one of the   work did not make much headway, but   Saud late on Monday.
       first foreign oil operators to return to Libya.  Tatneft representatives said repeatedly that   The two countries bear special
         As of last week, Tatneft had already sent   the company was committed to remaining   responsibility to the global community on
       a team to drill the B-82-4 exploration well at  active in Libya.         the climate track as they are among the key
       Al Hamada, a site in the Ghadames Basin in   According to local press reports, the   suppliers of energy, he said.
       western Libya. The Russian company sank   Russian operator made the decision to   “At the same time, we suppose that
       the well to a depth of about 3,900 feet (1,190  resume work after multiple discussions with   Russia and Saudi Arabia should pay close
       metres) before it suspended work at the site   Libyan officials and a review of security   attention as the two energy superpowers to
       in February 2011. It now aims to drill to   conditions. The latest meeting between the   the issues of de-carbonization and oppose
       a target depth of 8,700 feet (2,650 metres)   parties took place in early October and   artificial enforcement of ‘greening’ of the
       and expects to complete the well in about   was attended by Abu Algasim Shingeer, a   international agenda to the detriment
       45 days.                            member of NOC’s board of directors, and   of sustainability of the national energy
         The company first obtained concessions   Albert Saviolin, the CEO of Tatneft’s Libyan   sectors,” Novak said.
       for fields in the Ghadames basin, which is   subsidiary.                   The two ministers discussed the current
       believed to hold more than 3.5bn barrels                                 trends in the international energy industry
       of oil in recoverable reserves, in October                               as well as the trends connected with the
       2005. It then signed production-sharing                                  climate change like reduction of CO2

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