Page 16 - DMEA Week 07 2022
P. 16

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       POLICY                              have been warned against continuing their   edition of the Economic Communities of
                                           operations, with the National Petroleum   West African States (ECOWAS) Mining and
       Buhari instructs Senate to          Authority (NPA) saying they may face   Petroleum Forum (ECOMOF) in Niamey on
                                                                                February 16, 2022. Signed by H.E. Mahamane
                                           penalties under Ghanaian law, according to
       fund gasoline subsidy               the Ghanaian Times.                  Sani Mahamadou, Minister of Petroleum,
                                             The trade falling under scrutiny is reported
                                                                                Energy and Renewable Energies for the
       Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has   to be widespread in rural communities across   Republic of Niger, H.E.Mohamed Arkab,
       instructed the Senate, the upper chamber of   the country. However, NPA officials have   Minister of Energy and Mines, Algeria,
       the National Assembly, to allocate NGN2.557   described it as a recipe for disaster, the report   and H.E. Chief Timipre Sylva, Minister of
       trillion ($6.15bn) in funding for the gasoline   noted.                  State for Petroleum Resources of Nigeria,
       subsidy in the second half of 2022.   Dr. Mustapha Abdul-Hamid, the CEO   the agreement will see the development
         The federal government had previously   of NPA, expressed similar concerns while   resumption of the multi-billion-dollar Trans-
       planned to eliminate the subsidy as of the   speaking to reporters in Sunyani on February   Saharan Gas Pipeline project.
       end of June but is now planning to keep the   11. During a working visit to the Bono region   With a length of 4,128 kilometers, the gas
       current pricing policy in place indefinitely.   to familiarise himself with local conditions in   pipeline will link Warri in Nigeria to Hassi
       However, the 2022 budget does not reflect   the downstream sector, Abdul-Hamid stressed   R’Mel in Algeria, passing through Niger.
       this about-face, and Finance Minister   that illegal stations could not guarantee that   Upon completion, the pipeline will carry
       Zainab Ahmed has said that Abuja has only   the fuel they were selling was safe or free from   30 billion cubic meters of natural gas yearly
       NGN443bn ($1.07bn) worth of budget funds   possible contamination.       from Nigeria, Algeria and Niger to European
       available to cover the cost of the subsidy   He urged the general public not to   markets via Algeria’s strategic Mediterranean
       programme between July and December.  patronise such sellers, pointing out that fuel   cost, as well as supply inland stations along its
         As such, Buhari has directed the Senate   from “table-top” stations was more likely to   route. The pipeline will enable Europe to tap
       to amend the budget and make additional   cause damage to vehicles.      directly into the three country’s significant
       funding available. He issued those instructions   Additionally, he said that his agency had   natural gas reserves, thus diversifying its
       in a letter that was read to members of the   made significant progress in improving and   supply in the wake of the current energy crisis,
       upper chamber on February 15.       strengthening Ghana’s regulatory regime and   while creating critical sources of revenue for
         The sum specified by the president, in   legal framework to ensure that the fuel sector   African gas markets.
       combination with the money mentioned by   meets global standards.          “This project will be transformational for
       Ahmed, will bring the total amount of budget   The NPA chief also called on local   all the countries involved and we in Nigeria
       funds available for the subsidy up to NGN3   administrative assemblies to collaborate with   are committed wholly to making it a success.
       trillion ($7.21bn) in the second half of 2022.   the relevant state agencies to ensure proper   It will bring jobs and much needed revenue
       This is equivalent to the sum of NGN3 trillion   setup of fuel filling stations in hazard-free   from gas monetization” stated H.E. Chief
       that Nigerian National Petroleum Corp.   environments, the report indicated.  Timipre Sylva.
       (NNPC) has requested for this purpose.  NEWSBASE                           Much of the estimated $13 billion pipeline
       NEWSBASE                                                                 cost will be spent in Niger, acting as a much-
                                                                                needed boost for the already growing energy
                                           PIPELINES                            sector and wider economy. More importantly,
       FUELS                                                                    the pipeline will also enable Niger to monetize
                                                                                its own huge gas reserves, estimated at
       NPA head cautions against           Regional ministers sign the          34 billion cubic meters with recoverable
                                           Declaration of Niamey
                                                                                reserves of 24 billion cubic meters. H.E.
       ‘table-top’ fuel stations           Niger, Algeria and Nigeria have signed the   Minister Mahamadou’s plans include the use
                                                                                of domestic gas to develop a petrochemical
       Operators of “table-top” filling stations   ‘Declaration of Niamey’ during the third   industry, with the production of by products

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 07   17•February•2022
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