Page 17 - DMEA Week 07 2022
P. 17

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       like ammonia, urea and fertilizers. This will   government’s efforts to ensure that the benefits  TERMINALS & SHIPPING
       have the added benefit of boosting agriculture   of the sector benefit every Nigerian. The
       which remains a major employer in the   government will focus on the development of   CHEC to subcontract for
       country and the entire region.      skilled workers, with the creation of a higher
         Niger already has valuable experience in   institute dedicated to the training of technical   NLNG’s Train 7 project
       driving transnational energy infrastructure   staff and engineers. The aim is to have at least
       projects. Its 2011 completed Zinder based   50% of all technical roles in the sector filled   China Harbour Engineering Co. (CHEC) is
       20,000 barrels per day (bpd) refinery supplies   by Nigerians within the next 10 years. The   slated to act as a subcontractor for the Train
       the entire region with petroleum products.   development of Niger’s oil and gas industry is   7 expansion project at the Nigeria LNG
       Niger currently exports refined products to   a key stated objective of the Government of   (NLNG) plant on Bonny Island.
       countries in the sub-region, including Nigeria,   Niger, and by 2025, is expected to represent   According to a recent company statement,
       Mali, and Burkina Faso. Through the much-  approximately 24% of GDP, 45% of tax   CHEC won an engineering, procurement
       anticipated completion in 2023 of the Niger-  revenues, and 68% of exports as well as 8% to   and construction (EPC) contract from the
       Benin pipeline - a 2000 km pipeline that will   12% of formal employment in Niger.   international joint venture that is acting as the
       run from the prolific Agadem basin in Niger   “We are happy to be in Niamey and fully   main contractor for the Train 7 project. Under
       to the Cotonou terminal off the coast of Benin   support this project. The energy industry   that contract, the Chinese company will be
       - Niger will increase its current production   and the working men and women in Africa   responsible for designing and building the
       from 20,000 to over 120,000 bpd. This $2.2   applaud Nigeria, Niger Republic and Algeria   hydraulic structure of the wharf and approach
       billion pipeline will unlock an additional $3   for sending a strong message that the Trans-  bridge at NLNG’s seventh production train,
       billion in field development investments by   Saharan pipeline is in our best interest as it   including the pile foundation and concrete,
       Chinese major CNPC, which is the operator   will improve energy security, create good   the statement said.
       of the Agadem discoveries. The pipeline is   paying jobs and expand much needed   CHEC did not reveal the value of the
       also expected to boost exploration in Niger, as   economic growth,” Stated NJ Ayuk, Executive   contract or say when it expected to begin
       explorers are expected to take advantage of the  Chairman of the African Energy Chamber,   work. It did say, however, that it would also
       relatively cheap exploration and development   adding that “Restarting this project, sends   be responsible for designing and building a
       costs in the country - $15/ barrel - compared   a clear message to investors, and important   steel platform and auxiliary facilities for the
       to other international frontiers. Conservative   strategic partners in Europe and Africa, that   hydraulic structure.
       estimates of Niger’s reserves currently stand at   things are changing in Africa. We will be   NLNG’s main contractor for the Train 7
       3,7 million barrels of oil reserves in place and   pushing to have some key milestones and   project is Saipem-Chiyoda-Daewoo (SCD),
       957 million barrels of recoverable oil reserves.  agreements signed and announced during   an Italian-led joint venture that also includes
         During his opening speech at ECOMOF   African Energy Week in October in Cape   Japanese and Korean partners. The scheme is
       2022, H.E Mahamadou highlighted the   Town.”                             designed to raise NLNG’s production capacity
       development of regional energy infrastructure   Niger aims to become a hub for   from 22.5 mn tonnes per year (tpy) to 30mn
       as a cornerstone of H.E President Mohamed   hydrocarbons, petrochemicals and associated   tpy. It envisions the construction of a seventh
       Bazoum’s economic policy. The government   products in West Africa and the Trans-  production train that can turn out 4.2mn
       intends to focus on the development of gas   Saharan Pipeline projects only serves to   tpy, as well as the debottlenecking of existing
       and gas to power infrastructure in an effort   enhance this trend. The planned energy   trains, which will add another 3.4mn tpy of
       to monetize gas resources as well as achieve   infrastructures will boost Niger’s growth and   capacity. Equity in the NLNG consortium
       100% electrification in the country.  position it as a key bridge between resource   is divided between state-owned Nigerian
         The Niger oil and gas sector is gaining huge  rich sub-Saharan Africa and the Maghrebian   National Petroleum Corp. (NNPC), with 49%;
       momentum and transforming its economy.   and European markets. This is good news   Royal Dutch Shell (UK/Netherlands), with
       The minister also highlighted the demand for   for investors and services companies seeking   25.6%; TotalEnergies (France), with 15%, and
       regional economic and social development   for attractive returns in one of Africa’s most   Eni (Italy), with 10.4%. The partners began
       driven by the benefits derived from the oil   promising hydrocarbons frontiers with one of   production in 1999 and broke ground on the
       and gas and energy sector. He presented a   the continent’s most stable democracies.  Train 7 project in June of last year.
       positive vision of the sector and stressed the   AEC                     NEWSBASE

       Week 07   17•February•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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