Page 4 - GLNG Week 50 2021
P. 4

GLNG                                          COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

       Woodside earmarks $5bn for

       new energy investments

       Australia’s Woodside has committed to spending $5bn on “new energy”

       by 2030 in a bid to embrace the energy transition

        INVESTMENT       AUSTRALIA’S Woodside has unveiled its strat-  barrels of oil equivalent (boe) of production in
                         egy for navigating the energy transition. The  2021, as well as 10.6mn tonnes of LNG output.
       WHAT:             plan includes investing $5bn into what the com-  It would also be a top 10 global LNG producer,
       Woodside has      pany termed “new energy” by 2030.    Woodside noted in an investor presentation.
       earmarked $5bn worth   Woodside is hoping to remain profitable as   Like other producers, Woodside is figuring
       of investments in “new   the energy transition accelerates, diversifying  out how best to balance its oil and gas business
       energy” products by   its portfolio to include cleaner energy but still  with a strategy that aligns with the energy tran-
       2030.             leveraging its existing oil and gas expertise.  sition. The company sees a role for further oil
                         Indeed, the company has near-term plans to  and gas projects in its plans, at least in the near
       WHY:              develop new oil and gas projects globally. At the  term.
       The company wants to   same time, though, it is already starting to make   “The merged portfolio would have an exciting
       remain profitable as   moves to develop low-carbon projects, and this  pipeline of near-term developments: Sangomar
       the energy transition   week it also announced a planned green hydro-  in Senegal; Mad Dog Phase 2, Shenzi North
       accelerates, while   gen project in the US.            and other attractive opportunities in the Gulf
       leveraging its oil and gas   The energy transition plans that Woodside  of Mexico; and Scarborough offshore West-
       expertise.        has announced are based on the assumption  ern Australia,” Woodside’s CEO, Meg O’Neill,
                         that the company’s proposed merger with BHP’s  stated. “These, together with other potential oil,
       WHAT NEXT:        oil and gas business will go ahead. According to  gas and new energy developments, will provide
       The update came during   the company, the merger – which is subject to a  an enviable hopper of opportunities competing
       the same week that   number of conditions that need to be met before  for capital.”
       Woodside announced   July 2022 in order to close – will create a top 10   O’Neill also said that she expected LNG to
       plans for a green   independent oil and gas producer on a global  remain an important part of the energy mix “for
       hydrogen project in the   basis.                       decades to come”, both as a cleaner source of fuel
       US.                                                    than coal and as “convenient firming capacity
                         Short-term plans                     for renewables”.
                         Assuming the merger is completed, the com-  Indeed, when Woodside sanctioned the
                         bined company would have around 200mn  Scarborough project last month, it also gave the

                                                                                                  Woodside recently
                                                                                                  sanctioned the
                                                                                                  Scarborough project
                                                                                                  and an expansion of the
                                                                                                  Pluto LNG terminal.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 50   17•December•2021
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