Page 5 - GLNG Week 50 2021
P. 5

GLNG                                         COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

                                                                                                  Woodside is expanding
                                                                                                  its nascent hydrogen

                         green light to expand the Pluto LNG terminal,  H2TAS – that would produce ammonia from
                         which will be fed by Scarborough. In this week’s  hydrogen for export.
                         announcement, O’Neill described the develop-  These projects are designed to be phased, the
                         ment of Scarborough and the Pluto expansion  company said, starting small but with the poten-
                         as a game-changer for Woodside.      tial to be scaled up if demand allows it.
                           The company’s operations in Myanmar were   Meanwhile, Woodside is also working with
                         missing from its outline of the merged entity’s  BP, Mitsui & Co. and Mitsubishi to study the
                         portfolio of assets, meanwhile. O’Neill said all  feasibility of CCS at a depleted gas field offshore
                         of Woodside’s business decisions in Myanmar  Western Australia.
                         were under review following a military coup in
                         the country in February.             What next?
                                                              Woodside’s entry barriers for new energy devel-  Woodside’s
                         Cleaning up                          opments are lower than those for new oil and gas
                         At the same time, though, Woodside is trying  projects. The company is targeting an internal   entry barriers
                         to step up its investments in cleaner energy. In  rate of return (IRR) of more than 10% and pay-  for new energy
                         particular, the company believes that investing  back within 10 years from new energy projects.
                         in hydrogen projects and carbon capture and  At the same time, it is targeting an IRR of more   developments are
                         storage (CCS) is the best way to leverage its oil  than 12% and payback within seven years from
                         and gas expertise and maintain returns to share-  new gas projects, and an IRR of above 15% with  lower than those
                         holders as the energy transition picks up pace.  payback within five years for oil developments.
                           The  US project  it announced  this  week   The gas projects it is targeting include both   for new oil and
                         involves the production of green hydrogen –  pipelines and new LNG developments, with the   gas projects.
                         which uses electrolysis and renewable energy –  company saying it would leverage existing infra-
                         from a site in Oklahoma. Woodside has entered  structure to monetise undeveloped gas. This
                         into a memorandum of understanding (MoU)  includes optionality for hydrogen, according to
                         with Hyzon Motors to develop the project,  this week’s presentation.
                         which is known as H2OK. As well as securing a   The $5bn investment target for new energy
                         lease and option to purchase land in Oklahoma  would need to be revisited, however, if the
                         to underpin the project, Woodside said it was  merger with BHP’s oil and gas business falls
                         “progressing similar land acquisition opportu-  through.
                         nities aligned to growth markets in the US”.  “But again, we have full confidence that our
                           As well as H2OK, Woodside is also devel-  shareholders will support the merger,” O’Neill
                         oping two projects in Australia – H2Perth and  told analysts during this week’s presentation.™

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