Page 16 - GLNG Week 06 2023
P. 16

GLNG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             GLNG

       Russian gas major Novatek           in late January the signing of a benefits   improve operational efficiency and reduce the
                                                                                carbon footprint and greenhouse gas (GHG)
                                           agreement with the Snuneymuxw First Nation
       to delist from LSE                  band to facilitate the expansion of its Tilbury   emissions.
                                                                                  Under the company’s plans, a marine
                                           project at Delta, British Columbia.
       Russian natural gas major and top LNG   The agreement respects Snuneymuxw’s   jetty is also proposed to be built along the
       exporter Novatek has applied to the UK   rights in relation to the potential project   Canadian Pacific Coast to provide ship-
       Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to delist   impacts and represents a commitment to   loading services for LNG and enabling ship-
       its GDRs (Global Depository Receipts) on the   share benefits related to the Tilbury projects,   to-ship LNG marine fuelling in the Port of
       London Stock Exchange (LSE), according to   FortisBC said in a statement.  Vancouver.                          For its part, Snuneymuxw has committed   LNG from Tilbury can reduce GHG
         The company made this decision due   to support the Tilbury projects and participate   emissions from ships by up to 27% when
       to “the actual suspension of trading in the   in regulatory processes and related matters,   switching from traditional marine fuel,
       company’s global depositary receipts from   the statement added.         according to the statement.
       March 3, 2022”. Following the delisting on the   Under the benefits agreement, FortisBC   Signing of the benefits agreement is viewed
       LSE, the company will retain its listing on the   will support members of the Snuneymuxw   as a critical element for planned LNG and
       Moscow Exchange.                    community by through educational     natural gas pipeline projects in BC, as there
         As followed by bne IntelliNews, most   opportunities, relevant training and continued   are multiple First Nations groups that have
       recently the CEO of Novatek, Leonid   investments in the community, it said.  traditional rights over the land and its habitats
       Mikhelson, in an interview to Interfax guided   The Tilbury expansion is focused primarily   based on traditional treaties.
       for a 50% profit boost in 2023.     on three main elements: increasing the   Indeed, the Haisla First Nation band, in
         Renaissance Capital estimated that given   gas liquefaction capacity, construction of   partnership with Calgary-based Pembina
       the current dividend policy and the profit   additional storage facilities and a marine jetty   Pipeline, is intending to develop the 3mn tpy
       guidance, the dividends for 2H22 could   project.                        floating Cedar LNG facility at Kitimat, also in
       amount to RUB60/share (5.5% CAGR).     Under the Phase 1B expansion, the LNG   BC.
         The company plans to maintain total   capacity of the project will be expanded by
       hydrocarbon production in 2023 at 2022   up to 650,000 tonnes per year. Then, under
       levels, with oil output anticipated to fall and   Phase 2, a further 2.6mn tpy of capacity will   Philippines clears
       condensate production to rise. At the same   be added, along with a new storage tank of
       time, LNG production at Yamal LNG plant in   up to 142,400 cubic metres to provide back-  development of seventh
       2023 is planned to decrease by 5% relative to   up energy supply. The Phase 2 expansion is
       the high base of 2022 (to 20mn tonnes) due to   aimed at helping customers switch from the   LNG import project
       scheduled repairs.                  use of diesel or coal to lower-emission marine
                                           transportation fuels such as LNG, according   Authorities in the Philippines announced
                                           to the statement.                    on January 27 that they have greenlit the
                                              The existing Tilbury LNG plant is one   development of a $67mn small-scale LNG
       FortisBC signs benefits             of the few facilities using electric drives   import terminal to provide a source of fuel
                                                                                for power generation. It is the seventh such
                                           powered mostly by renewable hydroelectricity
       agreement with First Nation         to produce LNG. This technology greatly   facility to be approved.
                                                                                  In a statement, the Philippines’
                                           reduces the carbon intensity of the LNG
       group                               produced, FortisBC said, adding that the   Department of Energy (DOE) said it had
                                           proposed expansion would use electric drives
                                                                                issued a notice to proceed to Samat LNG
       Canadian LNG producer FortisBC announced  as well as other technologies designed to   Corp., which intends to build the terminal

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 06   10•February•2023
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