Page 17 - GLNG Week 06 2023
P. 17

GLNG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              GLNG

                                                                                New Fortress Energy to

                                                                                apply Honeywell LNG pre-
                                                                                treatment technologies on

       in the Mariveles municipality in Bataan   400mn cubic feet (11.3mn cubic metres) of   fast LNG
       Province, some 60 km north of the country’s   natural gas per day.
       capital Manila.                        Cartagena-based SPEC LNG unveiled its   Honeywell has announced that New Fortress
         The Philippines is looking to expand LNG-  plans on January 30, explaining that it had   Energy Inc. will use a series of technologies
       to-power capacity to 3 GW over the coming   asked gas market participants for input on   from Honeywell UOP to remove various
       years, to offset production decline at the   the matter. “Today we launched a market   contaminants from natural gas prior to
       Malampaya gas field in the South China Sea.   survey to evaluate the expansion of our LNG   liquefaction at its Fast LNG projects.
       The field is due to reach depletion by 2027.  regasification terminal, in order to determine   Each project is a nominal 1.4 million tpy
         At the same time, the country is looking to   the interest of agents in the energy and gas   LNG gas treating and liquefaction plant.
       ramp up domestic exploration for gas, to meet   sector in services that our infrastructure could   Honeywell UOP will provide engineering
       growing power demand and phase out coal.  provide,” it said in a post on Twitter.  services and process technology which will
         The Philippines has turned its attention to   In a separate statement, the company   pre-treat feed gas at the facilities.
       the LNG market as the Malampaya gas field   explained that it had asked players in the gas   “Honeywell’s ready-now technology allows
       in the South China Sea is anticipated to be   market to reply to its non-binding expression   for the critical removal of impurities from
       depleted by 2027.                   of interest (EoI) between January 30 and   natural gas streams through the use of the
         Samat LNG expects to bring its terminal   February 20. It further stated that the EoI was   most reliable, efficient, and cost-effective
       into commercial use in the first half of 2025.   designed to assess the feasibility of averting   technology which translates directly to greater
       It will be capable of bringing ashore 200,000-  potential gas shortages in Colombia in 2027-  throughput and reduced utility consumption,”
       400,000 tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG, for   2028 by expanding the terminal’s capacity in   said Bryan Glover, President, Honeywell UOP.
       use at small-scale power plants in the area,   two phases – to 450 mmcf (12.74 mcm) per   Honeywell UOP is a global leader in
       as well as manufacturing plants and in the   day by the end of 2023 and then to 530 mmcf   gas processing technologies. Its solutions
       transportation sector.              (15.01 mcm) per day by the second half of   for contaminant removal and hydrocarbon
         Three such terminals that have been   2026.                            management are used in the production of
       approved by the government are due to   This initiative “aims to assess the market   approximately 40% of the world’s LNG. These
       come online this year. Among the developers   participants´ demand for the potential   technologies are optimised for onshore and
       are Singapore-based Atlantic, Gulf and   additional capacity and advance to a final   offshore natural gas conditioning, treating,
       Pacific, and the Philippines’ First Gen Corp.   investment decision [FID] involving the   natural gas liquids recovery, LNG pre-
       A terminal being developed by Australia’s   foreseen expansion plans,” the statement said.   treatment, and synthesis gas purification
       Energy World Corp is nearing completion.   It did not reveal when SPEC LNG hoped   from single unit to highly integrated, multiple
       Linseed Field Corp. is aiming to complete   to reach the FID stage, but it did assert that   technology operations.
       its first integrated LNG import terminal in   expansion would “strengthen and ensure the   Honeywell recently committed to achieve
       March, with commercial operation slated to   medium- and long-term supply of natural   carbon neutrality in its operations and
       begin in April.                     gas in Colombia, [which is] key for assuring a   facilities by 2035. This commitment builds
         Philippine authorities have rejected that the   path to the energy transition.”  on the company’s track record of sharply
       government’s embrace of LNG will deter the   SPEC LNG manages the terminal – which   reducing the greenhouse gas intensity of
       development of renewables, arguing that gas-  is based on the Hoegh Grace, a floating   its operations and facilities as well as its
       fired power generation can serve as a baseload   storage and regasification unit (FSRU)   decades-long history of innovation to help
       source of electricity to support the deployment   anchored near the port of Cartagena – on   its customers meet their environmental
       of renewables that is cleaner than coal.  behalf of Promigas, a Colombian natural   and social goals. Approximately 60% of
                                           gas transportation company, and its partner   Honeywell’s new product introduction
                                           Vopak, a Dutch operator of tank storage   research and development investment is
       SPEC LNG seeks to assess            facilities. The Hoegh Grace receives LNG,   directed toward products that improve
                                                                                environmental and social outcomes for
                                           regasifies it and then transfers the gas to a 9.2-
       gas market players’ interest        km pipeline for delivery to shore for further   customers.
                                           transport to local thermal power plants

       in expansion of Cartagena           (TPPs). These TPPs have an installed capacity
                                           of 2,000 MW, equivalent to 60% of Colombia’s
       import terminal                     total gas-fired electricity generating capacity.
                                              The terminal has been in operation since
       Sociedad Portuaria El Cayao (SPEC LNG),   December 2016, with the Hoegh Grace serving
       the operator of Colombia’s only LNG import   under a charter contract the entire time. To date,
       terminal, is trying to assess the level of interest   SPEC LNG has taken delivery of 35 LNG cargoes
       in proposals for expansion of the facility,   via ship-to-ship (STS) transfers.
       which is currently capable of handling around

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