Page 13 - FSUOGM Week 01 2021
P. 13

FSUOGM                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       DTEK Oil & Gas might have to  Iran begins natural gas                    motor gasoline amounted to about 1mn
                                                                                  During this period, the production of
       sell 140 mcm of gas at cost swap with Turkmenistan and                   tonnes (an increase of 6.8%), straight-run
                                                                                gasoline (naphtha) was 370,700 tonnes (an
       Private natural gas producers in Ukraine,   Azerbaijan                   increase of 2.3 times), diesel fuel 2 mn tonnes
       including the country’s largest DTEK Oil &                               (an increase of 19%), heating oil 59,300 tonnes
       Gas (DTEKOG), might be forced to sell up   Iran’s Oil Ministry has announced that the   (an increase of 1.5%), lubricating oils 46,500
       to 20% of their production during January-  country has begun a natural gas swap with   tonnes (an increase of 60.9 %), petroleum
       April at regulated prices, according to two   Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan as part of a   coke 235,000 tonnes (an increase of 30.9%)
       Cabinet of Ministers’ resolutions published on   trilateral agreement recently signed by the   The production of petroleum bitumen in
       December 30.                        three neighbours, IFP reported on January 2.  the reporting period amounted to 347,200
         The regulated prices will amount to the   Based on the agreement, Iran’s northern   tonnes (corresponds to the indicator of
       producers’ cost plus a 24% markup to costs   provinces will receive gas from Turkmenistan   January-November 2020), aviation kerosene
       other than extraction royalty, according to   in exchange for gas transported to Azerbaijan   440,200 tonnes (a decrease of 4.1%).
       Concorde Capital’s analysis of the resolutions.  from the country’s west. Iran is expected to   As of December 1, 2021, these finished
         The purpose of the market regulation is to   receive 1.5 to 2bn cubic metres from Ashgabat   products are stocked in the warehouses of the
       stabilise the prices of socially important goods   while it is expected to transfer the same   Baku Oil Refinery (BNPZ): gasoline 36,300
       and to fight the coronavirus (COVID-19),   amount to Azerbaijan. The deal m may cause   tonnes, naphtha 700 tonnes, jet fuel 16,600
       according to the Cabinet.           some disquiet in Washington. The US recently   tonnes, diesel fuel 82,900 tonnes, heating
         The Association of Gas Producers of   reminded countries not to restart trade with   oil 12,300 tonnes, lubricants 9,200 tonnes,
       Ukraine (AGPU), an industry association   Iran whilst sanctions remain in place.  petroleum bitumen 19,100 tonnes, petroleum
       of which DTEK Oil & Gas is a member,   After the contract was signed in November,  coke 7,700 tonnes.
       said the resolutions are illegal and called on   the Iranian oil ministry described it as a “step   Currently, only one refinery is operating
       the authorities to reconsider their decision,   forward in energy ties” among the neighbours.  in Azerbaijan - the Baku Oil Refinery named
       according to an AGPU’s December 31 press   Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji added   after Heydar Aliyev (part of the structure of
       release. Ukrainian gas producers might be   that the agreement helps Iran to ensure the   the Socar company).
       forced to defend their interests in the manner   stability of its natural gas network and supply
       prescribed by law, the AGPU said.   energy to provinces including Khorasan
         DTEK Oil & Gas’ pre-tax profit foregone   Razavi, Golestan and Semnan where Iran’s   German foreign minister:
       because of the regulation might amount   distribution network for its own gas is thin.
       to $100mn, analysts at Concorde Capital   “Turkmenistan will sell 5-6 million cubic   Russia’s current actions
       estimate.                           metres of gas per day to Azerbaijan under the
         The company might have to sell up to   trilateral agreement,” Iranian state TV quoted   a “factor” in delaying NS2
       140mn cubic metres of natural gas at the   Owji as saying in November.
       regulated prices, assuming it produces 700   Iran has the world’s second largest reserves   certification
       mcm in January-April. We expect DTEK Oil   of natural gas after Russia, but most of its
       & Gas to have produced about 2.05 bcm of   major gas fields are located in its south, thus   Russia’s massing of troops on the Ukraine
       natural gas in 2021.                Iran has traditionally brought in gas from   border are “a factor” in the certification delay
         Assuming the European prices of €75/  neighbouring Turkmenistan for distribution   of the Kremlin’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline,
       MWh, or $900 per trillion cubic metres,   to its northern provinces. It is especially   according to Germany’s new foreign minister,
       DTEK Oil & Gas will earn about $700/tcm   required during the winter.    Annalena Baerbock. This marks the first time
       less if it is forced to sell its gas at the regulated   “The signed document is very important.   a member of the German government has
       rather than at market price, we calculate.  This is a historical document, it shows   directly connected the delay of the project’s
         The Cabinet’s decision is marginally   how deep the Azerbaijani-Iranian ties are.   certification to the ongoing Ukraine crisis.
       negative for DTEK Oil & Gas because it   Azerbaijan will receive Turkmen gas via   European gas futures skyrocketed 11% at
       might result in a significant amount of profit   Iran. This is good grounds for trilateral   the news, and now stand almost 400% higher
       foregone. Importantly, the decision also casts   cooperation. The signed document is   than the start of 2021.
       a shadow on the prospects of investments into   important from the point of view of economic   On November 16, Germany’s federal
       natural gas production in Ukraine in general.  and energy security,” Azerbaijan’s President   energy regulator suspended the certification
         It is unclear whether Ukraine’s natural   Ilham Aliyev said of the arrangement.  of Nord Stream 2, which must occur before
       gas producers, which DTEK Oil & Gas leads                                any gas can flow through the pipeline. The
       with a 40% production share, will be able to                             regulator said that Nord Stream 2 AG, the
       successfully overturn the Cabinet’s resolutions   Socar increases production   Russian-owned, Swiss-registered company
       in the courts.                                                           responsible for the project, did not meet
         In any case, the Cabinet’s decision should   of gasoline by 7% and diesel   German energy law and needed to register a
       not affect DTEK Oil & Gas’ credit quality                                German subsidiary.
       to any significant degree. The company   by 19%                            Baerbock herself stated that “as things
       should remain financially sound, earning                                 stand at the moment, this pipeline can’t
       on its natural gas sales in 4M22 about four   Socar increased production of gasoline by   be approved because it does not fulfil the
       times more than the profit foregone due to   7%, diesel by 19% in January-November. The   requirements of European energy law.”
       the regulation. Furthermore, the natural gas   production of oil products in Azerbaijan in   Baerbock’s Green Party, who have
       pricing situation in Ukraine is also expected to  January-November compared to the same   consistently opposed Nord Stream 2, are one
       remain favourable for the remainder of 2022.  period last year increased in monetary terms   of the coalition partners in the new German
                                           by 14.6%, up to $2.343bn, according to the   government. The Free Democratic Party, a
                                           State Statistics Committee.          fellow coalition partner, also opposes the

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