Page 14 - FSUOGM Week 01 2021
P. 14

FSUOGM                                                                                              FSUOGM

       pipeline, which puts significant pressure on   markets all over the world,” Gary Jones, BP’s   financials,” BCS GM notes, expecting the rise
       the traditionally pro-Nord Stream 2 Social   regional president for Azerbaijan, Georgia and  to accelerate this winter and with the 4Q21
       Democrats.                          Turkey, said.                        EBITDA jumping 70% quarter on quarter to
         Merkel approved Nord Stream 2, which   The BTC Co. shareholders are: BP (30.1%);   $19bn.
       will be able to transport 55bn cubic metres   AzBTC (25.00%); MOL (8.90%); Equinor   This would make it Gazprom’s second-best
       of gas per year under the Baltic Sea, to the   (8.71%); TPAO (6.53%); Eni (5.00%);   quarterly EBITDA in history after 1Q13’s
       detriment of Ukraine, which stands to lose   TotalEnergies (5.00%), Itochu (3.40%); Inpex   $20.6bn. But the company would not stop
       $2bn of annual transit revenues.    (2.50%), ExxonMobil (2.50%) and ONGC   there, with “1Q22 EBITDA should blow past
                                           (BTC) Limited (2.36%).               that, rising another 40% to $26bn,” BCS GM
       BTC marks 500mn tonnes of           Russia’s Gazprom top blue            RUB46 per share (14% dividend yield), some
                                                                                  Dividends on 2021 results should be
       oil exports                                                              2.8x 2018’s record of RUB16.6/share, and the
                                                                                2022 dividend should reset that 2021 record,
       The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil export   chip as European gas prices   coming in at perhaps RUB73/share or a 22%
       pipeline, operated by BP, has achieved the   keep heating up             DY.
       milestone of 500mn tonnes of oil in total                                  The estimates of BCS GM are based on
       from the Sangachal terminal near Baku across   BCS Global Markets has reiterated a Buy call   export gas price assumptions of full-year
       Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey to Ceyhan.  on the shares of Russian gas giant Gazprom   export price for 2021 at $315 per mcm (1,000
         “The milestone was achieved on 12   and maintained the name on the list of Top   cubic metres), but the analysts now raise the
       December when the 500 millionth tonne of   Pick in the Russian Oil & Gas equity universe.   2022 forecast price 50% to $560 per mcm to
       Caspian crude flowed through the pipeline   Driven by the European gas prices setting   better align with futures markets.
       [and] was loaded on the 4,922nd tanker   new records, the analysts increased the target   “This is still a conservative assumption,
       named Nordorse, which was a joint SOCAR   price for Gazprom’s shares by 2%, making   reflecting the fact that c50% of Gazprom’s
       lifting, and departed for Trieste (Italy),” the   an estimated 47% excess return with a 22%   export prices will be set by day and month-
       statement released by BP said.      dividend yield anticipated in 2022.  forward hub prices, implying no small amount
         “The 500mn tonnes of oil exports is a   As followed by bne IntelliNews, the core   of volatility is likely in earnings assumptions
       remarkable milestone that winds up 15 years   earnings of Gazprom soared to a new record   as 2022 progresses,” the analysts argue.
       of steady and efficient operations of BTC.   in the third quarter, against a backdrop of a   The investment case of Gazprom still rests
       After so many years the pipeline continues   severe supply crunch on the European gas   on major catalysts that are still at play. BCS
       to be the major artery of energy exports in   market that has led to historically high gas   GM now expects the Nord Stream 2 pipeline
       the region serving as a strategic direct link   prices.                  to be launched by the end of the heating
       between the landlocked Caspian and the   “Record-high European gas prices finally   season, most likely by the end of February.
       Mediterranean, which has easy access to the   began showing up in Gazprom’s 3Q21

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