Page 4 - EurOil Week 46 2022
P. 4

EurOil                                        COMMENTARY                                               EurOil

       Russian fossil fuel exports

       slump in October

       The EU may be preparing to ban Russian crude oil and oil products, but this

       will not stop Russian crude being processed in Turkey, with the end products
       finding their way into Europe

        RUSSIA           RUSSIAN fossil fuel exports slumped in October  deliveries from the country that is due to come
                         to their lowest level since the start of Moscow’s  into force on December 5. This drop is particu-
       WHAT:             invasion of Ukraine, a Finnish think tank has  larly pronounced in shipments from Russia’s Bal-
       Revenues were down   estimated.                        tic Sea ports, which primarily go to the European
       7% month on month in   Revenues came to €21bn ($22bn) in October,  market.
       October.          Finland’s Centre for Research on Energy and   “There is no sign of a last-minute flurry to
                         Clean Air (CREA) said in research published  secure supplies from Russia,” the centre noted,
       WHY:              on November 16. This was down 7% month  adding that “easing fossil fuel demand in Europe
       Until now, high prices had   on month, with declines seen across all fossil  and uncertainty around the specifics of the oil
       offset drops in volumes.  fuel commodities except LNG, where revenues  price cap are likely contributing to softening
                         increased 9% month on month.. Out of this sum,  exports and export prices.”
       WHAT NEXT:        €7.5bn were exports to the EU, with that market   “Many tanks departing Baltic ports take a
       The extent that Turkey   seeing its lowest share on record, with the decline  month or more to reach their destination. Russia
       will serve as a gateway   led by a 9% drop in crude oil receipts.  is putting as much oil at sea as possible given the
       for Russian oil product   “The sharp increase in fossil fuel prices  significant increase in shipments without desti-
       supplies into Europe will   caused by Russia’s blackmail and other disrup-  nation, suggesting that it is already struggling to
       be important.     tions due to the war have buoyed the country’s  find new buyers due to the upcoming sanctions
                         revenue until now, although earnings have been  lacklustre global economy and possibly beefing
                         falling month-on-month since March,” CREA  up floating storage in the hope of finding ways
                         said in a statement.                 to sell it without being affected by sanctions and
                           According to the centre, oil shipments out  bans,” CREA said. “We don’t observe a major
                         of Russia are declining and oil is building up in  increase in oil exports to the Pacific markets,
                         tankers ahead of the EU’s ban on seaborne crude  highlighting that Russia has little to no capacity

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 46   21•November•2022
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