Page 7 - EurOil Week 46 2022
P. 7

EurOil                                       COMMENTARY                                               EurOil

                         to exhaust the limited resources available to  suppliers. Since October 11, Ukraine has sus-
                         Ukraine to weaken the counter-offensive against  pended its export of electricity to Moldova. To
                         Russian positions.                   cover the  electricity deficit, the  Moldovan
                           Under conditions of acute energy defi-  authorities resorted to the help of Romania,
                         cit, caused by the loss of 30-40% of electricity  which modified its legislation to be able to supply
                         production capacities, the Ukrainian author-  electricity at a price of €90/MWh, which is lower
                         ities began to test the technical conditions for  than the market price. Subsidising the price of
                         importing electricity from Slovakia. Just about  electricity sold to Moldova is not only a manifes-
                         four months ago, Ukraine was able to export  tation of solidarity in the context of the pressure
                         electricity to Romania (50-100 MW) and Slo-  exerted by Russia, but also a pragmatic policy
                         vakia (50 MW). In 2021, Ukraine's electricity  towards Moldova, where more than third of the
                         exports went to Moldova, Hungary, Slovakia and  population already has Romanian citizenship
                         Romania. As of October 2022, Ukraine becomes  (more than 1mn people).
                         a net importer of electricity for the first time   In addition to the collateral effects to which
                         since independence. Until the energy system is  Moldova is exposed due to the Russian aggres-
                         repaired, Ukraine will be vitally dependent on  sion against Ukrainian energy infrastructure,
                         the European electricity market, from where it  Russia exploits the conditions related to the
                         can import energy thanks to the synchronisation  delivery of natural gas. Given Moldova's dual
                         of transmission networks in March. However,  dependence on Russian gas and electricity pro-
                         imports of electricity from Europe will inevitably  duced from Russian gas in the Transnistrian
                         affect the tariffs for final consumers and the busi-  breakaway region, the lack of consistent gas
                         nesses, given the spot market prices, whose vari-  flows to Moldova ramifies the consequences of
                         ation in the daily ahead price can range between  the energy crisis, which began in 2021.
                         145 MWh (Slovakia) and 166 MWh (Romania).   First of all, citing false problems related to
                         This will leave its mark on inflation, which could  the transportation of gas through Ukraine, Gaz-
                         exceed 30% by the end of 2022.       prom reduced the volume of deliveries to Mol-
                           The start of the heating season, most likely  dova by 30% to 5.7 mcm per day. This represents
                         already in November, will put the Ukrainian  only 70% of the gas contracted by the Moldovan
                         energy system in difficulty. Precisely during this  operator Moldovagaz (50% of the shares belong
                         period, the Vladimir Putin regime may decide  to Gazprom). As a result, the separatist region
                         to stop the last pipeline gas deliveries of some  has reduced the production of electricity, which
                         42.4mn cubic metres per day, made through the  the Cuciurgani power plant exports to the terri-
                         Ukrainian gas system.                tory of Moldova controlled by the constitutional
                           Such a step may have a double negative  authorities.
                         impact on Ukraine. On the one hand, limited   Against the background of the increased gas
                         access to energy sources (physical and commer-  deficit of about 40 mcm, the Tiraspol admin-
                         cial restrictions) for heating can cause a human-  istration announced that the electricity sup-
                         itarian crisis of significant proportions in the  ply to the rest of Moldova will be cut by up to
                         territories controlled by the Ukrainian forces,  27%. This means that Moldova will have to seek
                         with cascading effects on the combat capacity of  replacement for more than half of the electricity
                         the armed forces.                    imported from the Transnistria region, which
                           On the other hand, the complete discon-  accounted for 70% of total electricity imports.
                         nection of gas supply through Ukraine to the  As a result, Moldova started buying additional
                         EU may generate a new wave of shocks in the  electricity from Romania, but already at the mar-
                         European energy market, with political and  ket price of the Romanian Electric Power Market
                         socio-economic repercussions. In October,  Operator (OPCOM) – €132/MWh. The ability
                         inflation in the Eurozone reached 10.7% and the  to purchase electricity from Romania is due to
                         risks increase even more in a context of geopo-  Moldova's accession to ENTSO-E, together with
                         litical and energy market instability.  Ukraine in March.
                           The dynamic cap on the price of natural gas   Although the electricity purchased in Roma-
                         (and oil) is the solution that the EU is working on  nia guarantees energy security, it is almost twice
                         at a fast pace to reach a common denominator  as expensive as that sold by the Transnistria
                         in November (when the fourth meeting on this  region, which does not pay for the gas used to
                         topic will take place). However, it is not excluded  produce electricity, accumulating new debts on
                         that the application of such interventionist meas-  top of existing ones (some $7bn). In other cir-
                         ures will produce negative effects, such as an  cumstances, the purchase at market prices from
                         increase in the price of gas or the impossibility  Romania would allow the abandonment of
                         of accessing it.                     electricity from the Transnistria region, which
                                                              continually exacerbates the debt problem and
                         Russia's tactics in relation to Moldova: be-  creates dependency and unpredictability. The
                         tween the position of collateral victim and  current energy and geopolitical crisis requires
                         the Transnistrian lever              more cautious approaches towards the commer-
                         Russian actions aimed at de-electrifying  cial and political price related to the purchase of
                         Ukraine, through premeditated missile and  electricity.
                         drone strikes, have immediate repercussions on   The second problematic aspect refers to the
                         Moldova, which as of October obtained about  old debt of the constitutional territory of Mol-
                         30% of its electricity imports from Ukrainian  dova, which would constitute about $700mn,

       Week 46   21•November•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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