Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 04 2022
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NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Oilfield services giants bullish

       on fourth-quarter results

        GLOBAL           THE three leading US-based oilfield services  capital investment would be $1.9-2.0bn in 2022,
                         firms – Schlumberger, Halliburton and Baker  up from just under $1.7bn in 2021. The com-
                         Hughes – have unveiled their results for the  pany is planning to increase spending in North
                         fourth quarter of 2021.              America by at least 20%.
                           Overall the firms posted strong perfor-  “Absent any further COVID-related disrup-
                         mances, bolstered by higher crude prices and  tion, oil demand is expected to exceed pre-pan-
                         beating analyst expectations on various counts.  demic levels before the end of the year and to
                         Company executives said they were optimistic  further strengthen in 2023,” he stated in the
                         for the coming year.                 company’s earnings release. “These favourable
                                                              market conditions are strikingly similar to those
                         Schlumberger                         experienced during the last industry supercycle,
                         Schlumberger, the world’s largest oilfield ser-  suggesting that resurgent global demand-led
       These favourable   vices provider, reported net income of $587mn,  capital spending will result in an exceptional
                         or $0.41 per share, for the fourth quarter. The  multi-year growth cycle.”
       market conditions   result marked an increase of 90% on net income
         are strikingly   of $309mn in the same quarter of 2020 and also  Halliburton
                         came in above analyst expectations of $0.39 per  For its part, second-largest oilfield services player
        similar to those   share, as cited by Refinitiv IBES.  Halliburton posted net income of $824mn,
                           The company’s fourth-quarter revenue of  or $0.92 per share, up from net income of
         experienced     $6.23bn also topped analysts’ projections of  $236mn, or $0.26 per share in the third quarter
                         $6.09bn and marked a 13% year-on-year gain  of 2021. Additionally, the company doubled its
          during the     compared with $5.53bn in the same quarter of  fourth-quarter adjusted profit y/y from $160mn,

         last industry   2020.                                or $0.18 per share, a year ago to $320mn, or $0.36
                           “The fourth quarter was characterised by  per share. This beat analyst expectations cited by
          supercycle.    broad-based activity growth,” Schlumberger’s  Refinitiv IBES of $0.34 per share.
                                                               Halliburton’s revenue for the fourth quarter
                         CEO, Olivier Le Peuch, said on the company’s
         Olivier Le Peuch  earnings call, “with continued momentum  reached $4.28bn, up from $3.24bn a year ago.
             CEO         in North America, activity acceleration in the   For the whole of 2021, the company posted
          Schlumberger   international markets and an accretive offshore  net income of $1.46bn, recovering from a loss
                         market contribution, upon which we deliv-  of $2.95bn in 2020, and revenue of $15.30bn, up
                         ered strong sequential revenue growth, our  6% from $14.45bn the previous year.
                         sixth consecutive quarter of margin expansion   In a demonstration of its confidence in the
                         and outstanding double-digit free cash flow  current operating environment, Halliburton
                         generation.”                         said it was raising its dividend to $0.12 from
                           Looking ahead, Le Peuch said Schlumberger’s  March 23, compared with $0.045 previously.

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