Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 04 2022
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NorthAmOil NEWS IN BRIEF NorthAmOil
Materials and Enbridge are pleased to
announce a memorandum of understanding
to collaborate on a carbon solution for
Lehigh’s cement manufacturing facility in
Edmonton, Alberta.
Lehigh is developing North America’s
first full-scale carbon capture, utilisation
and storage (CCUS) solution for the cement
industry at its Edmonton plant, with the goal
of capturing approximately 780,000 tonnes
of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually. Captured
emissions would be transported via pipeline
Transformation and Workforce Excellence NextMart – acquisition of and permanently sequestered by Enbridge.
where he was responsible for Honeywell’s Subject to the award of carbon sequestration
global digitalisation offering to its industrial oil field services company rights and regulatory approvals, the project
customers. Higgins brings expertise in digital could be in service as early as 2025.
technologies and the Metaverse that has made NextMart – NXMR would like to announce With the support of Lehigh and Capital
him a sought-after speaker at conferences that it has acquired controlling interest in Power with their local facilities, Enbridge will
around the world. Emco Oilfield Services, a New Mexico limited be applying to develop an open access carbon
MCLOUD TECHNOLOGIES, January 26, 2022 liability company, based out of Carlsbad, New hub in the Wabamun area, west of Edmonton,
Mexico. Alberta, through the Government of Alberta’s
Select Energy Services states…”We are excited to announce that we Request for Full Project Proposals process.
William Bouyea (CEO of the company),
Combined, the emissions from Capital
announces receipt of have acquired Emco. We feel this is a perfect Power and Lehigh’s planned carbon capture
fit for the direction of where we want our core
projects represent an opportunity to avoid
consents to the acquisition business focus to develop. Emco has been in nearly 4mn tonnes of atmospheric CO2
emissions. Once built, the Open Access
operation since early 2018 and has already
of Nuverra Environmental made a significant impact in the Permian Wabamun Carbon Hub will be among the
largest integrated CCUS projects in the world.
Basin. Emco will be our flagship business.”
Solutions from majority revenue of over $45mn. Currently Emco capture and storage technology will play a key
Since 2018, Emco has booked top line
“At Lehigh Hanson, we believe that carbon
stockholders services over 68 oilfield clients, including role in transforming the cement industry and
major oil companies such as ExxonMobil’s
building a more sustainable future,” said Joerg
Select Energy Services and Nuverra subsidiary, XTO, Chevron, Conoco Phillips, Nixdorf, President of Lehigh Hanson’s Canada
Environmental Solutions today announced Occidental (OXY), and major independent Region. “We are excited about taking the next
that following the Securities and Exchange public oil companies such as EOG, Devon, steps in our ambitious journey to achieving
Commission declaring effective the Cimarex, Noble Energy and many more. To carbon neutrality across the cement and
Registration Statement on Form S-4 on service their clients, Emco purchased over concrete value chain.
January 19, 2022, the two largest Nuverra $4M in trucks, trailers, and other oilfield “Having a carbon hub solution in place
stockholders have delivered their written service equipment assets. Emco has provided by 2025 is essential for the successful
consents to approve and adopt the merger the following oilfield services: salt water implementation of the CCUS project at our
agreement among Nuverra, Select and and fresh water hauling, hydrovac services, Edmonton cement plant,” Nixdorf added.
wholly owned subsidiaries of Select. These pressure control and flowback, solids control, “Lehigh Cement’s pioneering CCUS
stockholders, Ascribe II Investments, drilling cuttings removal and disposal, oilfield project is an exciting addition to our proposed
Ascribe III Investments and Gates Capital construction, tank/pit cleaning, rig and tank Open Access Wabamun Carbon Hub, which
Management, own approximately 84% steam cleaning, hotshot delivery, winch truck is poised to support the decarbonisation
of Nuverra’s outstanding common stock. heavy hauling, and frac tank rentals. You can of multiple industries, including power
While the consents of Ascribe and Gates are see a brochure of the details of the services generation, oil and gas, and now cement,” said
sufficient to approve the transaction, Nuverra offered by Emco on its website provided Colin Gruending, Enbridge Executive Vice
is requesting all its common stockholders below. President and President, Liquids Pipelines.
approve the merger and other proposals NEXTMART, January 21, 2022 “This collaboration demonstrates our focus on
outlined in the Registration Statement by local, cost-effective, customer-focused carbon
executing and returning the written consent transportation and storage solutions that drive
furnished with the filing. Select and Nuverra ENERGY TRANSITION scale and competitiveness while minimising
expect the transaction to close in the first infrastructure footprint to protect land, water
quarter of 2022, subject to the satisfaction of Lehigh Cement and Enbridge and the environment.”
customary closing conditions. LEHIGH CEMENT, January 26, 2022
2022 storage solution in Alberta
Lehigh Cement, a division of Lehigh Hanson
Week 04 27•January•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P15