Page 4 - MEOG Week 12 2023
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       Talks continue on major

       deal as Iraq sticks with

       OPEC+ quota

       There remains optimism that a deal between Baghdad and
       TotalEnergies can be concluded, but the narratives provided differ

        IRAQ             TALKS between Baghdad and French firm  the outstanding points in a delayed deal have
                         TotalEnergies are yet to find a resolution to  reached “advanced stages”.
                         sticking points that threatened to scupper the   “We are close to conclude the contract,”
       WHAT:             delayed $27bn deal. Comments from the Iraqi  Abdulghani said at an energy conference.
       The two parties have   Oil Minister and TotalEnergies’ CEO cast a dif-  In response to a question about whether
       been negotiating since   ferent spin on the current situation, while Iraq  the issue of Iraq’s share in the project has been
       September 2021, but the   noted its intention to maintain its oil production  resolved, Abdulghani said that the time is not
       French firm is understood   restraint in line with OPEC+ quotas.  appropriate to discuss the matter, adding that
       to be close to pulling out   While both parties have expressed hopes that  the announcement of the shares will take place
       entirely.         an agreement can be reached, the French com-  when an agreement is reached.
                         pany remains concerned about the risk it would   Its present form is understood to revolve
       WHY:              be exposed to in the deal’s current form.  around TotalEnergies holding a 60% stake, with
       While Baghdad’s     The 25-year project, which targets an increase  Iraqi state-owned Basra Oil Co. (BOC) taking
       insistence on retaining   of 125,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil from the  the remainder.
       a 40% stake remains   Artawi oilfield, 600mn cubic feet (17mn cubic   This point was said to have been part of dis-
       a key stumbling block,   metres) per day of gas, 1,000 MW of solar energy  cussions between Iraqi Prime Minister Moham-
       TotalEnergies is at least   and 5mn bpd of seawater supply, is eventually  med al-Sudani and TotalEnergies’ CEO Patrick
       willing to continue   seen being valued at up to $27bn.  Pouyanne earlier this year.
       negotiations for the time   Various reports emerged in February that   These talks followed the signing of a strategic
       being.            suggested the IOC had pulled its foreign work-  partnership between Iraq and France covering
                         ers out of Iraq as it struggles to reach a resolution  anti-corruption, security, renewable energy and
       WHAT NEXT:        with Baghdad over the terms of the 2021 deal,  culture as well as the implementation of the 2021
       For Iraq, the deal is vital   with the key issue being the Iraqi state’s partici-  deal. However, the disagreement about Iraq’s
       to its hopes for expanding   pation in the associated projects.  share in the project was reported to have caused
       production of both oil and                             a rift in the discussions.
       gas as well as playing   Iraq’s input                    In February, Ministry of Oil (MoO) spokes-
       an important role in   The Iraqi Minister of Oil, Hayan Abdulghani,  man Assem Jihad said that talks between the
       developing renewables.  said at the weekend that the talks to resolve  parties have been extended to deal with ‘sticking

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