Page 5 - MEOG Week 12 2023
P. 5

MEOG                                         COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

                                                                                                  Map of oilfields in Basra

                         points’. “Some time has been given to continue  investment of around $10bn.
                         the conversation to reach a solution that is agree-  Abdul Karim, who previously held the same
                         able to all parties, concerning some sticking  position at the state-owned Iraqi Drilling Co.
                         points including the shareholding in the pro-  (IDC), said: “Qatar is one of the promising and
                         ject,” he said. Sources were quoted by Reuters  developed countries in this regard … we deter-
                         as saying that the Iraqi government is unable to  mine our percentage as an Iraqi country, and the
                         alter the previous administration’s demand for a  rest is for Total[Energies] and QatarEnergy.”
                         40% stake without being seen to be handing over   He added: “I don’t expect more than 20-25%,
                         more of the country’s rights.        [but] they are talking about 30%. The important
                           Jihad noted: “We emphasise that there is a will  thing for us is to set our share … Iraq is talking
                         to go forward towards an agreement which will  about 40%.”
                         take into consideration the benefit of both par-  However, Iraq’s determination to hold
                         ties [… We have no problems with TotalEner-  on to such a shareholding may be enough to
                         gies, and our relationship is good and growing.”  scupper the deal, given the 18 months of wran-
                                                              gling to-date that have so far failed to bring
                         Looking for a breakthrough           compromise.
                         On March 21, Pouyanne said that no resolution
                         has yet been reached. He said that TotalEnergies  OPEC+ compliance
                         needs the new government to confirm the con-  Meanwhile, the MoO reiterated its intention to
                         tract signed in September 2021 before closing  stick with its OPEC+ oil production quota, not-
                         the deal.                            ing that some operators had been instructed to
                           “For the time being we didn’t get it. If we don’t  cut output.
                         get it, to be honest, I cannot expose a company   “We obliged some oil companies operating in
                         to a mix of risks,” Pouyanne said. “Iraq is not the  the south to cut production to come in line with
                         easiest place to invest with all risk. ... We know  OPEC+’s agreed rates,” in order to keep output in
                         the energy security situation and we know the  line with the 220,000 bpd cut, Abdulghani said.
                         geopolitics situation,” he said.       Middle East Oil & Gas (MEOG) understands
                           “I hope we find common ground. I worked  that output has previously been constrained
                         on it in the last month, but again, we need to have  across the Rumaila, West Qurna-1, West
                         this political answer,” he added.    Qurna-2 and Zubair assets among others. Mean-
                           In February, a potential solution was dis-  while, he added that the country is also prepared
                         cussed by the head of BOC. The firm’s direc-  to ramp up production if required to do so.
                         tor-general Bassem Abdul Karim said that he   Despite restraining output, Iraq continues to
                         anticipates that state-owned QatarEnergy would  work to raise production capacity to 7mn bpd
                         acquire a minority shareholding in a broad  by 2027 from the current level of just under 5mn
                         project, which is expected to require an initial  bpd.™

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