Page 17 - DMEA Week 38
P. 17

DMEA                                      PETROCHEMICALS                                              DMEA

       Saudi petchem firms mull $9.4bn merger

        SAUDI ARABIA     TWO Saudi petrochemical firms are consider-  and combining the pair would form a company
                         ing a merger after sustaining heavy losses, raising  with around $9.4bn in assets, based on their cur-
       There have been a   the prospect of further consolidation of the king-  rent share prices.
       series of mergers and   dom’s downstream industry.       Petrochem has two subsidiaries, Saudi Pol-
       acquisitions in Saudi   Saudi Industrial Investment Group (SIIG)  ymers and Gulf Polymers Distribution, both
       Arabia’s petrochemicals   said on September 20 that its board of direc-  of which are 65% owned. Saudi Polymers pro-
       sector in recent years.  tors had approved initial talks on a tie-up with  duces up to 1.2mn tonnes per year of ethylene
                         National Petroleum Co. (Petrochem). No agree-  and 440,000 tpy of propylene.
                         ment has been reached and it is yet to be decided   There have been a series of mergers and
                         what structure the deal might take, SIIG said in a  acquisitions in Saudi Arabia’s petrochemicals
                         filing on the Saudi Stock Exchange.  sector in recent years, as players look to lower
                           “It should be noted that entering into this  costs and develop greater clout through integra-
                         study does not necessarily mean that the deal  tion. Diversified petrochemicals manufacturer
                         will take place between the two parties,” the  Sipchem combined with polypropylene supplier
                         company noted. “If the deal is agreed upon, this  Sahara Petrochemicals last year. And state oil
                         will be subjected to the conditions and approvals  giant Saudi Aramco closed the $70bn purchase
                         of the competent authorities, and the approval  of a 70% stake in petrochemicals giant SABIC in
                         of the extraordinary general assembly of both  June from the state.
                         companies.”                            Conditions on the global petrochemicals
                           SIIG suffered a 18.5% decline in revenues in  market were bearish even before the coronavirus
                         the three months ending June 30, and it racked  (COVID-19) pandemic, owing to weak demand
                         up SAR55mn ($14.7mn) in net losses. Petro-  in Asia and increased supply. SABIC suffered its
                         chem, on the other hand, booked a SAR139mn  third quarterly loss in a row in April-June, and
                         loss in the first half of the year.  has warned that the second half of the year will
                           SIIG already owns a 50% stake in Petrochem,  likely be as gruelling as the first. ™


       Nigerian fuel shortages loom

       as key roads closed

        NIGERIA          THERE is a risk of fuel shortages in northern  leaders, we have to do the necessary and protect
                         Nigeria, following the shutdown of key road  the lives of our members from avoidable acci-
       Drivers say the   links used to bring fuel imports to the region  dents and attacks from hoodlums,” the union
       alternative route is too   from the south.             said. “So starting September 17, our members
       dangerous.           The Niger State government stopped fuel  will not be lifting products from Lagos to the
                         tankers and other heavy vehicles from using link  northern part of the country.”
                         roads in the province’s Minna area on September   Operations will not resume until the Bida-
                         15, the Petroleum Tanker Drivers (PTD) union  Agai-Lapai-Lambata road is made usable or
                         said in a statement. This step was taken so that  Minna roads re-open, it said.
                         repair work on the roads could be done faster.  Niger State authorities responded to the
                            The PTD has subsequently halted the supply  halting of fuel shipments saying that it was the
                         of fuel from the port of Lagos through Niger  federal government’s job to repair Bida-Agai-
                         State to Nigeria’s north. The union explained  Lapai-Lambata, as it is a federal road. The
                         that the only alternative road, Bida-Agai-Lap-  roads the local administration closed in Minna
                         ai-Lambata, was not suitable for motor vehicles,  belonged to the state, and it was acting within
                         describing it as a “death trap.”     the law to do so.
                            Union leaders got wind of the Niger State   “We are affirming our position: There is no
                         government’s plan weeks ago and urged author-  going back on the state government’s decision on
                         ities to fix the poorly maintained Bida-Agai-Lap-  the ban on articulated trucks from playing the
                         ai-Lambata route. They got assurances that this  state-owned roads,” Ibrahim Balarabe, the chief
                         would be done, the PTD said.         of state of the Niger State governor, told report-
                            “Unfortunately, over two weeks after our dis-  ers. “We will stand on our position and we will
                         cussion nothing has been done on the road. As  not relent on that.” ™

       Week 38   24•September•2020              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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