Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 21 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       compression service providers with a goal of   certification by the Independent Inspector of   along with carbon capture.”
       no methane left behind!”            Elections.                           MMEX RESOURCES, May 25, 2021
       CANARY, May 26, 2021                                                     Nacero selects Bechtel
                                           ENERGY TRANSITION                    for development of energy
       ExxonMobil announces                 MMEX Resources advances  transition infrastructure
                                           solar power hydrogen clean  facility in the Permian Basin
       preliminary results in              fuels and carbon capture             Nacero has awarded Bechtel the front-

       election of directors                                                    end engineering and design (FEED)
                                                                                contract for the first natural gas-to-gasoline
       ExxonMobil said today that based on   projects                           manufacturing facility in the United States.
       preliminary vote estimates by its proxy   MMEX Resources, a development-stage   Nacero’s 115,000 barrel per day plant
       solicitor, shareholders have elected eight   company focusing on the acquisition,   in Penwell, Texas, near Odessa in the
       of ExxonMobil nominees to the board of   development and financing of oil, gas,   heart of the Permian basin, will be the first
       directors and two of Engine No. 1 nominees.   refining and infrastructure projects in Texas   gasoline manufacturing plant in the world
       Vote results for five nominees were too close   and South America, today announced it has   to incorporate carbon capture, carbon
       to call.                            signed project agreements to advance its first   sequestration, and 100% renewable power.
         “We welcome all of our new directors   hydrogen and clean fuels with carbon capture   The use of renewable natural gas and
       and look forward to working with them   projects along with expansion of its site in   mitigated flare gas will make it possible to
       constructively and collectively on behalf of all   Pecos County, Texas.  reduce the lifecycle footprint of Nacero’s cost-
       shareholders,” said Darren Woods, chairman   Jack W. Hanks, president and CEO of   competitive, zero sulfur gasoline to zero over
       and chief executive officer.        MMEX Resources said: “We are expanding   time. Nacero’s products will be sold to retailers
         “We’ve been actively engaging with   our footprint in Pecos County, Texas to   in Texas and the Southwest, and through
       shareholders and received positive   accommodate our solar powered clean   Nacero-branded outlets.
       feedback and support, particularly for our   energy projects which include potential   “We are thrilled to partner with Bechtel
       announcements relating to low-carbon   production of hydrogen and ultra-low sulphur   for our flagship facility in Penwell.  Bechtel’s
       solutions and progress in efforts to reduce   transportation fuels, both with carbon capture   experience with large-scale projects and
       costs and improve earnings. We heard   technology. We have signed an agreement   commitment to excellence is second to none,”
       from shareholders today about their desire   to purchase an additional 324 acres adjacent   said Jay McKenna, Nacero’s President and
       to further these efforts, and we are well   to our existing 126-acre site. This will allow   CEO.  “For America to achieve its domestic
       positioned to respond.”             us to implement potentially all four process   energy and climate change mitigation goals we
         ExxonMobil has developed a portfolio   components: solar power, production of   need big vision and laser-focused execution.
       of investment opportunities in high-return,   hydrogen, clean transportation fuels, and   Bechtel is center stage in helping us get there.”
       low cost-of-supply projects. The company   carbon capture.”                “We are delighted by this opportunity
       has also significantly reduced emissions   Hanks continued: “Our potential footprint   to support Nacero’s pioneering approach
       and set clear plans for further reductions to   of 450 acres allows expansion of our projects   to delivering lower carbon fuel with our
       2025, consistent with the goals of the Paris   to include more hydrogen production,   record of large-scale project success,” said
       Agreement.                          common rail and truck facilities and a solar   Paul Marsden, President, Bechtel Energy.
         Re-elected ExxonMobil directors were   complex with carbon capture. We are also   “This project is truly a game-changer. It will
       Woods, Michael Angelakis, Susan Avery,   announcing today, the commencement of   give everyday American drivers a chance to
       Angela Braly, Ursula Burns, Kenneth Frazier,   our detailed engineering study with Polaris   participate in the energy transition and will
       Joseph Hooley and Jeffrey Ubben. Elected   Engineering with its proprietary “UltraFuels®   be a model for the kind of environmental
       from Engine No. 1’s nominees were Gregory   2 Plus process,” to utilise the light crude oil   improvement America is looking to bring
       Goff and Kaisa Hietala.             and condensates from the Permian Basin   about.”
         The outcome was not yet determined   to produce finished products of ultra-low   On completion of the FEED, Bechtel
       for ExxonMobil director candidates Steven   sulphur diesel, gasoline, and IMO 2020   will deliver a lump sum, turnkey EPC price
       Kandarian, Douglas Oberhelman, Samuel   compliant marine fuel oil along with carbon   proposal. Bechtel will employ its range of
       Palmisano and Wan Zulkiflee, and for Engine   capture from all major CO2 sources. The   sustainable design and execution tools to
       No. 1 candidate Alexander Karsner. A fourth   detailed engineering study is the first step   bring about carbon reduction in the supply
       Engine No. 1 candidate, Anders Runevad, was   leading to our potential financing.”  chain and reduce the carbon footprint of the
       not elected.                           Gerry Obluda, Principal of Polaris   project during construction.  Bechtel and
         The board will reconsider two shareholder   Engineering added, “We are very excited to   Nacero have a shared commitment to best in
       proposals that received majority shareholder   join with MMEX to put this Clean Energy   class environmental, social, and governance
       approval, which include Item No. 9, calling   initiative in motion. Our detailed engineering   (ESG) practices.
       for a report on lobbying, and Item No. 10,   and cost study now underway puts into focus   NACERO, May 25, 2021
       requesting a report on climate lobbying.  our UltraFuels® Plus Clean Energy process
         The preliminary vote count is subject to   with a 95% reduction of traditional emissions

       Week 21   27•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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