Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 21 2021
P. 8

NorthAmOil                             PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

       Court allows Dakota Access to keep

       operating during environmental review

        US MIDWEST       A US federal district court ruled last week that   Opponents of pipeline projects more broadly
                         the Dakota Access pipeline should not be forced  and Dakota Access in particular had hoped that
                         to shut down while a new environmental review  after cancelling the cross-border permit for the
                         is carried out. According to the May 21 ruling,  Keystone XL pipeline on his first day in office,
                         there is a minimal threat of oil spills from the  Biden would now turn his attention to other
                         pipeline but the risk fails to rise to the necessary  contentious pipeline projects. However, Biden
                         “irreparable harm” level needed to shut it down.  did not take the chance to intervene in the pro-
                           The ruling can be appealed against, but comes  ject, which he could have done via the US Army
                         a relief for operator Energy Transfer, which is in  Corps of Engineers, which is carrying out the
                         the unusual position of requiring a new envi-  new environmental review for Dakota Access.
                         ronmental review for a pipeline that has already   Instead, the Army Corps passed the decision
                         been operational for some time. Last year, a  on whether the pipeline should keep operating
                         judge vacated a permit allowing Dakota Access  over the environmental review period back to
                         to operate, raising the possibility that it could  the courts. The possibility that the Biden admin-
                         be shut down while a more thorough environ-  istration will change its mind on intervening in   The ruling is also
                         mental review was completed – or indeed upon  such pipeline cases in the future cannot be ruled
                         completion of the review.            out, however.                         good news for
                           The case is being closely watched, given that it   The Army Corps anticipates completing the
                         could set a precedent for future attempts to force  new environmental review by March 2022. It is  Enbridge’s Line 5
                         shutdowns of operational pipelines and other  still possible that the new review will not go in
                         energy infrastructure.               Dakota Access’ favour, but given that the regu- pipeline, which is
                           Energy Transfer has been fighting to keep  lator has previously approved the pipeline, this   at the centre of
                         the pipeline open, and has sought to stress its  would be at least a little surprising.
                         importance to energy security and the scale of   In the meantime, producers in the Bakken   a fight with the
                         disruption that would be caused if regulators  play are likely to feel more confident about ramp-
                         or courts opted to shut it down. Dakota Access  ing up production in the knowledge that suffi- State of Michigan.
                         has the capacity to carry 570,000 barrels per day  cient takeaway capacity will be available.
                         (bpd) from North Dakota’s Bakken play to Illi-  The ruling is also good news for Enbridge’s
                         nois. In the event of a shutdown, some of that oil  Line 5 pipeline, which is at the centre of a fight
                         could be shipped by rail instead, but this would  with the State of Michigan and could also face a
                         create transport bottlenecks in the region, given  shutdown. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whit-
                         that North Dakota relies on rail to transport over  mer has ordered Enbridge to shut the pipeline
                         70% of its agricultural production.  while the case is being resolved – a demand with
                           However, in the wake of the court ruling and  which Enbridge is not complying. While the
                         US President Joe Biden’s decision not to inter-  matter will ultimately be decided in court, it now
                         vene in the pipeline case, Dakota Access is in a  looks less likely that Enbridge could be forced to
                         stronger position than before.       suspend operations before a verdict is reached.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 21   27•May•2021
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