Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 21 2021
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Biden opts against further

       Nord Stream 2 pressure

       The US has opposed Nord Stream 2 since its inception in 2015, but

       relations with Germany are now the priority

        US-GERMANY       THE US has confirmed it will not impose
                         sanctions on the Russian company develop-
       WHAT:             ing the Nord Stream 2 pipeline – a decision
       Biden’s administration   that has been welcomed by both Germany
       has opted against piling   and Russia.
       more pressure on the   The government of US President Joe Biden
       Nord Stream 2 project.  has instead said it will instead maintain its sanc-
                         tions on the Russian pipelaying vessels that are
       WHY:              building the pipeline, which is now more than
       The US is eager to mend   95% complete. While Washington has stressed
       ties with Germany, an   that it remains opposed to Nord Stream 2, the
       ardent supporter of the   move to waive further sanctions is a recognition
       pipeline.         that continued efforts to thwart the project are
                         futile. The Biden administration’s priority now is
       WHAT NEXT:        improving relations with Berlin, an ardent sup-
       Biden and Putin are due   porter of Nord Stream 2.
       to hold a summit this   The president might also want to remove a
       summer.           major point of contention between the US and
                         Russia ahead of a proposed face-to-face meet-
                         ing with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin
                         this summer, in the hope that progress can be
                         made on other fronts, such as Ukraine and
                         cyber-security. The US and other Western pow-                            US President Joe
                         ers have signalled their alarm at the build-up  A difficult birth        Biden’s priority now is
                         in Russian military forces near the border with  The US has opposed Nord Stream 2 since its   improving relations with
                         Ukraine in recent months.            conception in 2015. It has argued that the pro-  Germany.
                           US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken  ject, which will pump up to 55bn cubic metres
                         stressed on May 19 that the US government  per year of Siberian gas to north Germany, will
                         remained nevertheless opposed to Nord Stream  jeopardise European energy security, and strip
                         2, arguing that it undermines European energy  Ukraine of billions of dollars of revenues from
                         security.                            transiting Russian supplies. But Moscow has said
                           “Our opposition to the Nord Stream 2 pipe-  that Washington is simply acting in the interests
                         line is unwavering,” Blinken said. “Though we  of US LNG suppliers, which could lose market
                         may not always agree, our alliances remain  share if Nord Stream 2 is completed.
                         strong, and our position is in line with our com-  In reality, US opposition to the pipeline
                         mitment to strengthen our transatlantic rela-  is likely grounded in concerns that it would
                         tionships as a matter of national security.”  strengthen economic ties between Russia and
                           German Chancellor Angela Merkel mean-  the EU’s de-facto leader Germany.
                         while welcomed the move.              The project is also opposed by a number of
                           “Of course President Biden has moved a bit  EU members in Eastern Europe – countries that
                         into our direction in the context of the Nord  were in Moscow’s orbit during the Soviet era but
                         Stream 2 conflict,” she told public broadcaster  now are eager to sever political and economic
                         WDR on May 20, while stressing there was  ties with Russia.
                         still some disagreement between the two   Nord Stream 2 has had a difficult birth. Gaz-
                         nations.                             prom reached an agreement to build the pipeline
                           Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov mean-  in 2015 with European partners Royal Dutch
                         while described the US decision as “definitely a  Shell, E.ON, OMV, Wintershall and ENGIE.
                         positive signal.”                    Despite objections from some EU governments

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