Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 16 2022
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       the continued support of our bank group,”   programmes support Cheniere’s climate   of natural gas in the US, today announced
       stated chief financial officer James Welch. “We   strategy initiatives, including the company’s   they have closed a certificate trade agreement
       believe the results of this redetermination   plan to provide cargo emissions tags (CE tags)   (CTA) for certified, responsibly sourced
       demonstrate the quality of our assets and the   to customers beginning this year.  natural gas. Bloom Energy has purchased
       strength of our people.”               The midstream QMRV work will be   certificates for all of its US fleet’s natural gas
       SURGE ENERGY US HOLDINGS, April 20, 2022  conducted by emissions researchers from   consumption for the next two years from
                                           Colorado State University and the University   EQT. EQT’s certified natural gas became
                                           of Texas. The measurement protocol designed   available for sale in December 2021. The
       ENERGY TRANSITION                   by the research group and Cheniere will   agreement marks the realisation of Bloom’s
                                           be field tested at facilities operated by the   commitment made in July 2021 to convert its
       Cheniere launches                   participating companies, which include   fleet to certified gas.
                                                                                  Together, Bloom and EQT are leading the
                                           Kinder Morgan, Inc., Williams Companies,
       collaboration with                  Inc., MPLX LP, DT Midstream, Inc., and   market for certified natural gas, which not
                                           Crestwood Equity Partners LP. Cheniere is
                                                                                only allows end-users to reduce the emissions
       midstream companies,                also a participant in the program through the   associated with their value chain but also
                                                                                incentives emissions reduction efforts by
                                           Creole Trail Pipeline and Gillis compressor
       technology providers and            station.                             producers.
                                              The midstream QMRV programme
                                                                                  By converting its US fleet of fuel cell
       academic institutions to            involves a combination of ground-based,   installations – deployed at more than 700 sites
                                                                                – to EQT’s certified natural gas, an estimated
                                           aerial, and drone-based emissions monitoring
       quantify, monitor, report           technologies. The midstream QMRV     176,000 metric tons of CO2e emissions will
                                                                                be avoided per year when compared to the
                                           programme requires emissions monitoring
       and verify GHG emissions            over at least a six-month period, with all   national average leak rate, the equivalent of
                                           data independently analysed and verified
                                                                                38,329 passenger vehicles taken off the road
       Cheniere Energy today announced a   by the project’s academic partners. At the   annually.
       collaboration with natural gas midstream   Gillis compressor station, the R&D initiative   The certificates purchased by Bloom
       companies, methane detection technology   will also test multiple continuous emissions   from EQT represent gas production jointly
       providers, and leading academic institutions   monitors to assess the performance of these   approved under both the MiQ Methane
       to implement quantification, monitoring,   technologies.                 Standard and the Equitable Origin
       reporting and verification (QMRV) of   CHENIERE ENERGY, April 19, 2022   EO100TM Standard for Responsible Energy
       greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at natural                                Development, which together provide a
       gas gathering, processing, transmission,   Bloom Energy Partners         transparent, verified method for tracking
       and storage systems specific to Cheniere’s                               environmental, social and governance (ESG)
       supply chain. The program is intended to   with EQT to bring certified   performance. The certification standards
       improve the overall understanding of GHG                                 developed by MiQ and EO aim to bring
       emissions and further the deployment of   responsibly sourced natural    transparency to an opaque market, drive
       advanced monitoring technologies and                                     demand for certified natural gas and help
       protocols. This collaboration builds upon   gas to current and future    operators differentiate themselves through
       Cheniere’s ongoing QMRV collaboration                                    methane-emissions performance and overall
       with natural gas producers and liquefied   customers                     responsible energy production.
       natural gas (LNG) shipping providers, both                               BLOOM ENERGY AND EQT, April 21, 2022
       of which commenced in 2021. These QMRV   Bloom Energy and EQT, the largest producer

       Week 16   21•April•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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