Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 16 2022
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Halliburton posts higher-than-expected profit

        GLOBAL           OILFIELD  services giant Halliburton has  its forecast for customer spending in North
                         reported an 85% year-on-year increase in  America, projecting growth of 35% this year
                         adjusted net income for the first quarter of  as a result of expanded activity and inflation.
                         2022. The firm posted adjusted net income of  Previously, the company had anticipated a 25%
                         $314mn, or $0.35 per diluted share. This nar-  increase.
                         rowly exceeded analyst expectations of $0.34 per   “We see significant tightness across the entire
                         share, according to Refinitiv IBES.  oil and gas value chain in North America. Sup-
                           The company said on April 19 that its net  portive commodity prices and strengthening
                         income for the first quarter reached $263mn,  customer demand against an almost sold-out
                         or $0.29 per diluted share, up from $170mn, or  equipment market are expected to drive expan-
                         $0.19 per diluted share, in the same quarter of  sion in Completion and Production division
                         2021. Its total revenue for the first quarter of 2022  margins,” Miller added.
                         came in at $4.3bn, up from $3.5bn a year ago.   The Houston-headquartered company also
                         Halliburton’s operating income was $511mn,  saw margins in its Drilling and Evaluation divi-
                         compared with $370mn in the same quarter last  sion surpass 15% in the first quarter, reaching its
                         year. Excluding impairments and other charges,  highest level since 2010.
                         the company’s adjusted operating income   However, Halliburton warned that supply
                         totalled $533mn in the latest quarter.  chain issues, which have affected the indus-
                           “Our performance demonstrated the resil-  try as it rebounds from the initial waves of the
                         ience of our unique strategy in action and the  coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, would
                         importance of our competitive positioning both  continue. The company “can’t and won’t sub-
                         in North America and international markets,”  sidise operators” under these circumstances,
                         stated Halliburton’s chairman, president and  Miller said on Halliburton’s earnings call, add-
                         CEO, Jeff Miller.                    ing that it had “been very transparent in terms
                           The results come as rising oil and gas prices  of the cost of acquiring things, and the timing
                         boost customer demand. Halliburton has raised  to acquire things”.™

       Baker Hughes posts higher profit but

       falls short of analyst expectations

        GLOBAL           OILFIELD services company Baker Hughes has  upcoming net-zero hydrogen energy complex
                         posted adjusted net income of $145mn, or $0.15  in Alberta. This is part of the two companies’
                         per share, for the first quarter of 2022. The fig-  hydrogen collaboration framework and will see
                         ures represent an increase from $91mn, or $0.12  TPS supply NovaLT16 turbines, which operate
                         per share, in the same quarter of 2021. However,  on 100% hydrogen.
                         according to Refinitiv IBES, this fell short of ana-  Another highlight from the quarter for
                         lyst expectations of $0.20 per share.  the firm was the signing of a “major” contract
                           Baker Hughes’ revenue for the latest quarter  with Venture Global LNG for the first phase
                         totalled $4.8bn, down 12% sequentially, but up  of the Plaquemines LNG project in Louisi-
                         1% year on year. Its operating income of $279mn  ana. Baker Hughes will supply an LNG sys-
                         for the first quarter marked a drop of 51%  tem and 24 modularised compression trains
                         sequentially, but an increase of 70% y/y. Cash  for that project, in addition to field services.
                         flow generated from operating activities came in  The contract is part of the two companies’
                         at $72mn for the latest quarter, while free cash  master equipment supply agreement to pro-
                         flow amounted to $105mn.             vide 70mn tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG
                           Citing a volatile market environment, the  production capacity. It builds on a previous
                         company said it had experienced stronger orders  contract for Plaquemines LNG awarded to
                         that were offset by weaker profit margins on  Baker Hughes.
                         sales. Orders totalled $6.8bn for the quarter, up   Supply chain issues and geopolitical events
                         3% sequentially and 51% y/y.         continue to put pressure on margins, however.
                           In particular, the firm reported strong sales in  Amid the war in Ukraine, Baker Hughes antic-
                         its Turbomachinery and Process Solutions (TPS)  ipates weaker revenues from its Russia-related
                         business, which saw orders double from a year  business this year, particularly in oilfield ser-
                         ago to $3bn.                         vices. About 4% of its total company revenues in
                           One of these was an order for advanced gas  the first quarter were accrued from its activities
                         turbine generator equipment for Air Products’  in Russia.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 16   21•April•2022
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