Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 16 2022
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Biden administration restarts

       onshore lease sales

       The administration of US President Joe Biden has relaunched federal onshore

       lease sales, but with less acreage on offer than the industry had asked for

        US               THE administration of US President Joe Biden  sales were being restarted in compliance with
                         announced on April 15 that it was restarting oil  that ruling.
       WHAT:             and gas leasing on federal land. The move marks   This follows the restart of offshore federal
       The Biden administration   the end of a pause on new onshore federal leas-  lease sales in the US Gulf of Mexico last year
       has started up onshore   ing that was imposed in the early days of Biden’s  with Lease Sale 257, held in November. The
       federal lease sales again.  presidency.                sale generated more than $190mn – the high-
                           The US Department of the Interior (DoI)  est amount since 2019 – on 1.7mn acres (6,880
       WHY:              said it was offering roughly 173 parcels on  square km) sold. However, the restart did not
       The move is being made   144,000 acres (583 square km) up for sale. The  go smoothly and its results were subsequently
       in compliance with a   US Bureau of Land Management (BLM), part  invalidated by a US District Court in January
       court ruling last year.  of the DoI, then started issuing individual sale  2022 on the grounds that the Biden administra-
                         notices for specific regions.        tion had failed to properly account for the auc-
       WHAT NEXT:                                             tion’s impact on climate change.
       Less acreage will be on   Lease sale saga               That decision came after environmental
       offer than the industry   The development is the latest in a saga that has  groups brought a legal challenge against the
       had wanted, and higher   been playing out since Biden first took office,  lease sale. They argued that the administration
       royalty rates will be   pledging to be tougher on the oil and gas indus-  had been relying on a years-old environmental
       charged.          try on environmental grounds. Indeed, he had  analysis that did not accurately consider the
                         pledged to end federal oil and gas leasing alto-  greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that would
                         gether during his electoral campaign.  result from blocks sold during the auction.
                           But while a review carried out by the DoI last   US District Judge Rudolph Contreras agreed,
                         year found “significant shortcomings” in the  faulting the administration for excluding for-
                         existing federal leasing programmes, it stopped  eign consumption from its GHG emissions
                         short of saying new leasing should be banned  analysis and saying it had not taken the latest
                         outright. In the meantime, a US District Court  scientific findings about the role of oil and gas
                         overturned the pause in federal leasing in June  development in climate change into account.
                         2021, and the DoI noted last week that lease   The court ruling appears to have derailed new

                                                                                                  US President Joe Biden
                                                                                                  has been seeking to
                                                                                                  prioritise environmental
                                                                                                  targets since taking
                                                                                                  office but is also calling
                                                                                                  on the industry to
                                                                                                  produce more oil.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 16   21•April•2022
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