Page 13 - DMEA Week 29
P. 13

DMEA                                             POLICY                                               DMEA

       OPEC+ agrees to eased cuts in August

        GLOBAL           RUSSIA, Saudi Arabia and the rest of the OPEC+  said in a video conference after meeting with
                         alliance of oil producers agreed on July 15 to ease  his OPEC+ counterparts. “Economies around
                         record supply cuts from August, returning 2mn  the world are opening up, although this is a cau-
                         barrels per day (bpd) to the market. They said the  tious and gradual process. The recovery signs are
                         move was justified given the recovery in global  unmistakeable.”
                         fuel demand from historic lows at the height of   “The oil market is heading in the right direc-
                         the COVID-19 pandemic.               tion, with oil prices registering moderate gains,”
                           Benchmarks were more or less unchanged  Rystad Energy analyst Paola Rodriguez-Masiu
                         following the announcement, which was widely  commented on July 15. “But the price recovery
                         anticipated. Brent closed at just above $43 per  is fragile and hinges not only upon avoiding
                         barrel on July 17, around the same level as a week  a derailing of the demand recovery, but also
                         earlier, while West Texas Intermediate (WTI)  OPEC+ adherence to quotas as they slowly ramp
                         ended at just above $40.5 per barrel. News of oil  up output in August.”
                         supply coming back on stream next month was   On the demand side, the risk is that second
                         offset by data released by the US Energy Infor-  coronavirus (COVID-19) escalates, resulting in
                         mation Administration (EIA), which showed  travel restrictions being re-imposed in multiple
                         that US crude inventories had dropped 7.5mn  countries and causing fuel demand to plummet
                         barrels in the week that ended July 10 – a greater  once again. On the supply side, OPEC+’s com-
                         decline that was expected and indicating robust  mitment to the cuts could falter. Many of the oil
                         growth in fuel demand.               cartel’s members are facing acute economic cri-
                           OPEC+ will keep oil production at 7.7mn  ses, following the steep fall in oil revenues. Some
                         bpd below the agreed baseline from August 1  may become unable or unwilling to continue
                         until the end of the year, versus 9.7mn bpd below  restricting supply.
                         during May, June and July. Under the current   “The market is transitioning from a sub-
                         plan, cuts will be tapered further to 5.8mn bpd  stantial oversupply in H1 2020 to a deficit in H2
                         between January 2021 and April 2022.  2020,” Fitch Ratings said in a report this week.
                           Compliance with OPEC+ quotas has also  “OPEC+ faces the challenge of balancing the
                         improved. Members that initially struggled to  need to achieve higher oil prices through pro-
                         meet their quotas under the agreement have  duction cuts by its participants and a risk of los-
                         cleaned up their act. Iraq has been the worst  ing its market share to US shale, where the level
                         offender, producing 600,000 bpd more than it  of investment activity will continue to be closely
                         should have done in May. But it closed the gap  correlated with prices.”
                         to 100,000 bpd in June and has agreed to deeper   BCS Global Markets believes oil “has run too
                         cuts between July and September to compensate  far, too fast from April lows and a temporary
                         for past failings.                   price correction is overdue.”
                           “As we move to the next phase of the agree-  “At $40 per barrel, oil enters the region where
                         ment, the extra supply resulting from the sched-  US shale producers could begin to raise their
                         uled easing of production cuts will be consumed  drilling activity,” the investment bank said last
                         as demand continues on its recovery path,” Saudi  week. “Remember that not all OPEC+ members
                         Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman  have the same price target, a potential stumbling

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