Page 17 - DMEA Week 29
P. 17

DMEA                                               LNG                                                DMEA

       Renergen launches South Africa’s

       first ever LNG auctions

        SOUTH AFRICA     RENERGEN has launched South Africa’s first  highway. Once the second stage begins produc-
                         ever auction of LNG by opening a bidding con-  tion, the partners will expand LNG distribution
       Renergen is using the   test for future LNG production streams from the  to retail outlets along all of South Africa’s major
       auction to sell surplus   Victoria Gas Project.        highways.
       production from the   The company announced the start of the   The South African company said earlier this
       Victoria gas project.  auction on July 20, saying it would accept offers  year that it had teamed up with Total to make a
                         for LNG and helium from its plant until August  case for LNG as a more environmentally friendly
                         28. Potential buyers must demonstrate “an asset  fuel for long-haul trucking. “The LNG displaces
                         value or annual turnover equal to or in excess of  diesel usage, reducing operating costs and help-
                         ZAR2mn [$121.541],” it said in a statement.  ing customers meet their sustainability targets
                           The winners of the auction will take delivery  due to the significantly lower greenhouse gas
                         of LNG and helium from a new gas liquefaction  [GHG] emissions from natural gas over diesel,”
                         unit that is under construction at the Victoria  it said at the time.
                         Gas Project, which has been turning out CNG,   The new LNG unit at Victoria Gas Project will
                         Renergen said. The LNG unit’s first stage is due  process natural gas from Renergen’s fields near
                         to come on stream in 2021, and the second stage  Welkom, Virginia and Theunissen in Free State.
                         will follow suit in 2023, it said.   These fields contain nearly 90% methane and
                           Renergen is using the auction to sell surplus  have an unusually high concentration of helium,
                         production from the Victoria Gas Project. It has  according to the company’s web site. Sproule,
                         already struck a deal with a unit of France’s Total  an international energy consulting firm, has
                         on the distribution of LNG from the first stage  estimated that they may hold as much as 9.74bn
                         for long-haul trucking from filling stations along  cubic metres of helium, a quantity that exceeds
                         the Johannesburg-Durban section of the N3  the total proven reserves of North America. ™

      Chevron confirms plan to buy Sasol’s

      indirect stake in Escravos GTL plant

        NIGERIA          THE US major Chevron has confirmed that one   He did not divulge the terms of the acquisi-
                         of its subsidiaries is slated to acquire additional  tion. Nevertheless, he did note that the EGTL
       The agreement has   equity in the Escravos gas-to-liquid (EGTL)  project was providing support to the Nigerian
       been finalised.   plant from South Africa’s Sasol.     government’s efforts to reduce the flaring of
                           Esimaje Brikinn, the general manager of pol-  associated gas from oil wells.
                         icy, government and public affairs for Chevron   “The EGTL, together with the Escravos Gas
                         Nigeria Ltd (CNL), told Vanguard last week that  Plant (EGP3), provides a reliable flares-out solu-
                         his company had finalised an agreement to this  tion and remains a critical part of the overall
                         effect with Sasol Middle East and India (Pty) Ltd,  NNPC/CNL joint venture gas commercialisa-
                         an affiliate of Sasol. The deal provides for CNL to  tion strategy,” he said.
                         buy its partner’s minority stake in Chevron Sasol   Equity in the Escravos facility is now split
                         EGTL, which gives it a 10% stake in the EGTL  between CNL, with 80%, and NNPC, with 20%.
                         facility, he said.                   The plant is capable of processing around 325mn
                           “Chevron Nigeria Ltd (CNL), operator of  cubic feet (9.203mn cubic metres) per day of
                         the [EGTL] joint venture between Nigerian  associated gas. It turns out 33,000-34,000 bar-
                         National Petroleum Corp. (NNPC) and CNL,  rels per day (bpd) of synthetic fuels, with diesel
                         confirms that Sasol and Chevron have signed  accounting for most of the total.
                         an agreement that will see Sasol Middle East and   Sasol announced plans to unload its indirect
                         India sell its shares in Chevron Sasol EGTL to  stake in the EGTL plant last month as part of a
                         Chevron,” Brikinn stated. “With the sale of these  wider effort to optimise its asset portfolio. At the
                         shares, Sasol’s indirect interest in the Escravos  time, it said it would continue to provide Chev-
                         gas-to-liquids (EGTL) asset will now be held by  ron with support at the facility by supplying tech-
                         CNL.”                                nology, technical support and catalysts. ™

       Week 29   23•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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