Page 19 - DMEA Week 29
P. 19

DMEA                                           REFINING                                               DMEA

       UAE’s Target bags $53mn contract

       at top Saudi refinery

        UAE              THE UAE’s Target Engineering has landed a  refinery is located.
                         contract worth SAR200mn ($53.3mn) to replace   Following the upgrades, all gasoline pro-
      Target Engineering won   storage tanks at Saudi Aramco’s 550,000 barrel  duced at Ras Tanura will comply with the EU’s
      an EPC contract from   per day (bpd) Ras Tanura oil refinery, it said on  Euro-5 standard, in preparation for the adoption
      Aramco last yar.   July 21.                             of higher fuel specifications across the kingdom.
                           Target, a subsidiary of Arabtec Holding, will  It will also turn out ultra-low sulphur diesel,
                         replace three naphtha and two slop oil storage  which complies with new International Mari-
                         tanks at the oil processing plant, Saudi Arabia’s  time Organisation (IMO) rules on maritime fuel
                         largest, situated on the shore of the Persian Gulf.  emissions.
                           Ras Tanura is undergoing a $2.4bn overhaul,   The latest deal follows a $75mn engineer-
                         aimed at cutting the sulphur content of its motor  ing, procurement and construction (EPC) con-
                         fuels. The project involves the addition of several  tract Target received from Aramco last year to
                         new units, including a 90,000 bpd continuous  upgrade a produced water disposal facility at
                         catalytic reforming unit that Aramco describes  the Qatif gas oil separation plant. Its parent
                         as the largest of its kind.          Arabtec is the UAE’s largest listed contractor,
                           Once the reformer is online Ras Tanura  and is chaired by Waleed Al Muhairi, who is also
                         will no longer export naphtha, instead pro-  the deputy CEO of UAE wealth fund Mubadala
                         ducing more gasoline and lighter fuels for  Investment.
                         domestic consumption. It currently ships   “We are delighted to be continuing to build
                         around 40,000 bpd of naphtha abroad, typi-  our relationship with Saudi Aramco in the King-
                         cally to refiners in South Korea and sometimes  dom of Saudi Arabia,” Farsakh said of the latest
                         to Japan and Taiwan. According to Refinitiv,  contract. “In line with our strategy, this impor-
                         most of its supplies went to the South Korean  tant award further builds the group’s presence in
                         port of Onsan last year, where a Saudi-owned  the oil and gas sector.” ™

       Nigeria’s $2bn new urea plant

       due online in 2020: Saipem

        NIGERIA          PRODUCTION will start at Nigerian conglom-  make sure deadlines are met, the CEO said, includ-
                         erate Dangote’s $2bn fertiliser plant in Lagos this  ing providing dedicated flights for vendors and
      The plant is the largest   year, Italian contractor Saipem has confirmed to  suppliers.
      of its kind in the world.  Bloomberg.                     A Dangote official also confirmed in June
                           The facility will use gas supplies from Nigeria  that the plant would be in operation by year-end,
                         Gas Co. and Chevron Nigeria as its feedstock to  although traders have warned that commercial out-
                         produce 3mn tonnes per year (tpy) of urea and  put might not start until as late as the second quarter.
                         ammonia. This makes it the largest plant of its   Nigeria already has two urea plants in opera-
                         kind in the world.                   tion – the 1.4mn tpy Indorama unit at Port Har-
                           Test runs began at the facility in March,  court and the 500,000 tpy Notore facility at the
                         although the coronavirus (COVID-19) pan-  port of Onne. A second 1.6mn tpy train is slated
                         demic led to disruptions,” Saipem’s chief operat-  to start production at the Indorama facility in
                         ing officer Maurizio Coratella said.  December.
                           “Train two commissioning and testing will   By expanding its urea production, Nigeria
                         start soon, as such activities will be overlapped  hopes to help develop its agricultural sector and
                         with train one,” he said. “The project is planned  feed its growing population. The sector has stag-
                         for completion within the end of 2020, with train  nated in recent decades, overshadowed by the
                         one starting production within weeks and train  country’s oil industry. Nigeria is also on a drive
                         two following soon after.”           to utilise more of its gas reserves, having declared
                           Saipem is making special arrangements to  2020 to be the “Year of Gas.” ™

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