Page 20 - DMEA Week 29
P. 20

DMEA                                               FUELS                                               DMEA

       Kenya hikes fuel prices

        KENYA            KENYA’S Energy and Petroleum Regulatory  average landed cost of imported diesel went up
                         Authority (EPRA) hiked prices for refined  from $228.62 per cubic metre in May to $302.15
                         petroleum products last week, citing a rise in the  per cubic metre in June, a rise of 32.16% m/m.
                         cost of imported gasoline as justification for its  EPRA said it had not included kerosene in its
                         decision.                            calculations because the country did not import
                           In a statement, the government agency said  this type of fuel during the relevant period.
                         it was increasing per-litre prices for gasoline,   “In the period under review, there was no
                         diesel and kerosene by KES11.38 ($0.11),  kerosene discharged at the port of Mombasa,”
                         KES17.30 ($0.16) and KES2.98 ($0.028)  EPRA director-general Robert Pavel was quoted
                         respectively. As a result, buyers in Nairobi will  as saying in the statement.
                         now have to pay KES100.48 ($0.93) per litre for   Pavel was speaking around the same time that
                         gasoline, KES91.87 ($0.85) per litre for diesel  Kenya’s Petroleum principal secretary Andrew
                         and KES65.45 ($0.61) per litre for kerosene, it  Kamau drew attention to the lack of kerosene
                         noted.                               imports, saying that this development had made
                           This is the largest monthly increase in more  the latest fuel price hike more dramatic than it
                         than a decade, according to Kenyan press  might have been otherwise.
                         reports.                               Kamau stated that he did not expect prices to
                           The new pricing schedule took effect on July  remain at current levels for long. He was speak-
                         15 and will remain in place for 30 days, EPRA  ing after a number of Kenyan observers high-
                         stated. “The prices are inclusive of the revised  lighted the significant gap between diesel and
                         rates for [the] petroleum development levy on  kerosene prices under the new pricing regime,
                         super petrol and diesel as per Legal Notice No.  pointing out that traders now had an incentive to
                         124 of 10th July 2020 and 8% Value Added Tax  blend cheaper kerosene into more costly diesel in
                         (VAT) in line with the provisions of the Finance  order to maximise their profits.
                         Act 2018 and the Tax Laws (Amendment) Act   “Kerosene was not imported in the last cycle,
                         2020,” it added.                     and it has been coming in reduced volumes
                           According to the agency, prices went up  before then,” Kamau told the Daily Nation in an
                         because the average landed cost of imported  interview. “That is why we have that difference,
                         gasoline climbed from $248.21 per cubic metre  which is only temporary and will normalise once
                         in May to $279.58 per cubic metre in June, a rise  we have more kerosene being imported at the
                         of 12.64% month on month, and because the  current international crude oil prices.” ™

                                                   NEWS IN BRIEF

       Morocco to fine fuel                efficiency.                          Fugro completes phase one
                                              Following the upgrade, the turbine’s total
       distributors for price-fixing       production has increased by 10.7 MW while   of North Field site study
                                           using the same amount of fuel, according to a
       Morocco’s antitrust regulator plans to fine   recent press release.      Dutch global geological survey firm Fugro
       fuel distributors up to 10% of their turnover   GE’s MXL2 upgrade helps the operators of   has announced the completion of the first
       for uncompetitive behaviour, local media   GT13E2 gas turbines to achieve up to a 1.5%   phase of its offshore site investigation for
       reported this week.                 rise in combined cycle efficiency.   LNG firm Qatargas’ North Field ‘production
         The competition council has been     Despite the challenges imposed by the   sustainability compression’ phase.
       holding closed-door meetings with   coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, GE    The North Field is the world’s biggest single
       distributors, sources told, adding   Gas Power completed the upgrade in six   non-associated natural gas field. It is located
       that the fines could be as high as MAD4bn   months instead of 18 months that the project’s   80 nautical miles (nm) offshore north-east
       ($400mn). It sounded an alarm in a report   execution should take.       Qatar peninsula.
       in May, accusing distributors of price-fixing   This project came following the successful   Phase one of the project focused on the
       and exchanging sensitive data.      upgrades undertaken on two other gas   geophysical scope, while the geotechnical
                                           turbines at ADNOC Refining’s general utilities  scope, which is included under phase two, will
                                           plant in Ruwais over the past years.  continue until next month.
       GE upgrades Adnoc                   in the Middle East, North Africa, and South   teams on board the company’s dedicated
                                                                                  Fugro noted that the in-country project
                                              The President & CEO of GE Gas Power
       Refining’s general utilities        Asia, Joseph Anis, said: “As organizations   vessels Proteus and Adventurer are executing
                                           around the world explore options to balance
                                                                                the fieldwork.
       plant in Ruwais                     the growing need for electricity against   testing and P-S logging.
                                                                                  The fieldwork includes cone penetration
                                           climate change concerns, upgrade solutions
       General Electric (GE) Gas Power has installed   offer an effective and affordable means to   According to the company, the final
       MXL2 upgrade on a GT13E2 gas turbine at   increase power output and lower emissions   deliverables will comprise a bathymetric and
       ADNOC Refining’s general utilities plant   per megawatt generated.”      geophysical survey, as well as a geotechnical
       in Ruwais in the UAE to raise the plant’s                                appraisal of the soils that have been

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