Page 12 - DMEA Week 42 2022
P. 12

DMEA                                       REFINING & FUELS                                            DMEA

                                          Deliveries of Russian HSFO dropped by more than a third in September (Photo: EGCSA)

       Volume of Russian fuel delivered to

       Middle East remains high in September

           MIDDLE EAST   RUSSIA continued to deliver higher than usual   noted that Russian gasoil (diesel) shipments to
                         volumes of petroleum products to buyers in the   the Middle East had reached 268,000 tonnes
                         Middle East in September, even though deliver-  in September, up by 84.8% on the August fig-
                         ies dropped month on month, according to Vor-  ure of 145,000 tonnes. However, deliveries of
                         texa data cited by Argus Media on October 19.  high-sulphur fuel oil (HSFO) dropped to more
                           Argus Media explained that Russian sellers   than 498,000 tonnes, down by nearly 33.6% on
                         had been sending about 250,000-450,000 tonnes   the August figure of 750,000 tonnes.
                         per month of refined fuel to the Middle East   Argus Media also cited Vortexa data as say-
                         prior to the outbreak of war in Ukraine in late   ing that Russian sellers had delivered 170,000
                         February. Since the start of the conflict, though,   tonnes of gasoline and 119,600 tonnes of naph-
                         Russian deliveries to the region have gone up,   tha to the Middle East in September but did not
                         as sellers have needed to find outlets for their   provide any comparative figures from the pre-
                         inventory.                           vious month.
                           In September, Russian petroleum product   It went on to say that the top three desti-
                         shipments to the Middle East amounted to   nations for Russian gasoil in September had
                         1.06mn tonnes, the Vortexa data showed. This   been the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Yemen
                         was 24.3% down from the record monthly high   and Iraq, which had absorbed 198,000 tonnes,
                         of 1.4mn tonnes posted in August but still con-  38,000 tonnes and 26,000 tonnes respectively.
                         siderably above the figures usually posted for the   Overall, it added, the top two destinations for
                         same month in previous years.        Russian petroleum products were the UAE and
                           The month-on-month decline was not con-  Saudi Arabia, which took delivery of 574,000
                         sistent for all types of products. Argus Media   tonnes and 412,000 tonnes respectively. ™

       NLNG’s force majeure declaration leads

       Galp to assess impact on LNG supplies

            AFRICA       GALP Energia indicated on October 17 that it   In a statement, the Portuguese company said
                         was assessing the impact on its supply chain after   NLNG had notified it of the declaration, which
                         learning that the Nigeria LNG (NLNG) consor-  affected both LNG and natural gas liquids
                         tium had declared force majeure on deliveries.  (NGLs), following widespread floods in Nigeria.

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 42   20•October•2022
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