Page 14 - DMEA Week 42 2022
P. 14

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

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       SECURITY & POLICY                   see the former take 15mn cubic metres (mcm)  Earlier in October, Nigerian National Petroleum
                                           per day from the latter.             Co. Ltd (NNPCL) revealed that it had shut down
       Iranian lawmaker suggests           and Turkmenistan. Energy swap deals help the   bna/IntelliNews, October 19 2022
                                              Iran also has gas swap deals with Azerbaijan  the operations of 395 illegal refineries.
       country could serve as hub          participating countries gain from geographical
                                           advantages by cutting energy transit fees.
       for Russian oil, gas                bne/IntelliNews, October 17 2022     COMPANIES

       An Iranian lawmaker has suggested that the   Nigeria defends decision to  Sasol, ArcelorMittal
       country could serve as a hub for the transit of
       Russian gas as Russia’s existing options for   destroy captured oil vessel seal partnership to
       pumping gas to markets become more limited.
         “As one of the largest exporters of oil and gas  It was right to destroy the illegal oil bunkering   decarbonise operations
       in the world, [Russia] is a strategic partner of Iran  vessel found with 650,000 cubic metres of stolen
       in various energy sectors,” Alireza Varnaseri, a  crude oil, Nigeria’s chief of defence staff, General  South African chemicals and fuels producer
       member of the Iranian parliament’s commission  Lucky Irabor, has claimed.  Sasol and steelmaker ArcelorMittal South Africa
       for energy, told the state-owned Shana news   Last week, a private security team contracted  have partnered to explore the development of
       agency. “Co-operation between Iran and Russia  to protect an oil pipeline on the Escravos River  carbon capture technology to produce sustaina-
       helps in the development of Iranian oil and gas  discovered a vessel carrying illegally lifted crude  ble fuels and steel through green hydrogen.
       fields ... Iran can be a hub for transiting Russian  oil. The ship was then destroyed by the Navy   They will advance a study on the possibility
       oil and gas products to other countries.”  after its captain, Temple Manasseh, confessed  of utilising ArcelorMittal’s Saldanha steelworks
         Russia is scrambling to find other markets for  that the oil was stolen.  as an export hub for green hydrogen and deriva-
       its oil and gas supply amid the severing of energy   Some have, however, criticised the decision to  tives, as well as green steel production. A second
       ties with Europe. The suggestion from Iran  destroy the vessel, suggesting that it deliberately  study will explore the use of renewable electricity
       comes days after Russian President Vladimir  prevented a full investigation from taking place  and green hydrogen to convert captured carbon
       Putin proposed establishing Turkey as a hub for  as vital evidence was destroyed.  from ArcelorMittal’s steep plant into sustainable
       delivering gas supply to Europe following the   Speaking on October 14, General Lucky Ira-  fuels and chemicals.
       demise of the Nord Stream pipelines at the end  bor noted that the Navy acted according to the   “We are very excited to be leading the pre-fea-
       of September.                       rules and didn’t need to carry out any investiga-  sibility and feasibility studies on these two poten-
         Moscow and Tehran have sought to bolster  tion because the ship was caught in the act.  tial projects that hold promise to unlock South
       their energy ties, with Gazprom recently signing   According to Human rights lawyer Marshall  Africa’s potential to be a global green hydrogen
       a $40bn deal to invest in Iran’s oil and gas indus-  Abubakar, the move is highly suspicious. “Why  and derivatives player,” said Priscillah Mabelane,
       try. The two sides have also discussed a gas swap  the hurry in destroying this vessel?” Abubakar  executive vice president for Sasol’s energy busi-
       arrangement that would see Iran take around  said, as quoted by Voice of America (VOA).  ness. “These studies are anchored by the local
       15mn cubic metres per day of Russian gas.  “There have been allegations that the menace  need for green hydrogen and sustainable prod-
       bne/IntelliNews, October 19 2022    of oil theft is being perpetrated by persons in  ucts, cementing Sasol as the leading contributor
                                           authority. The hurried destruction lays credence  to the development of southern Africa’s green
       Iran, Kazakhstan to                 to that particular allegation.”      hydrogen economy.”
                                              Oil theft is a serious threat to the Nigerian
                                                                                  Sasol, listed in New York and Johannesburg,
       resume crude oil swap               economy, which relies on exports. The sector  is the world’s top producer of chemicals and
                                           has been marred by rising crude theft in recent  fuels from coal while ArcelorMittal, also traded
       abandoned 10 years ago              months, causing Nigeria’s average crude produc-  in Johannesburg, is Africa’s top steelmaker. Their
                                           tion to fall to under 1mn barrels per day (bpd) in  operations have a substantial carbon footprint
       Iran and Kazakhstan have agreed to resume an  August, down from a previous high of 1.8mn.  and both are transitioning to cleaner energies.
       oil swap some 10 years after the deal stalled due
       to technical difficulties and disagreements over
       the division of proceeds, Iranian official media
       reported on October 15.
         The resumption was agreed during Iranian
       President Ebrahim Raisi’s visit last week to
       Astana to attend the 6th summit of the Confer-
       ence on Interaction and Confidence Building
       Measures in Asia (CICA).
         In the local media reports on the agreement,
       there was no discussion of how US sanctions
       might affect it.
         The Iranian government halted swap ship-
       ments under the deal 10 years ago, reportedly
       because the contracts did not allow Tehran to
       benefit proportionally from rising oil prices.
         In late September, Iran and Russia agreed to
       implement a gas swap arrangement which would

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 42   20•October•2022
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