Page 11 - DMEA Week 41 2021
P. 11
Worley wins Ras Tanura
contract from Aramco
MIDDLE EAST AUSTRALIAN engineering specialist Worley 1.6mn bpd once a new 400,000 bpd unit at Jazan
has been awarded a contract by Saudi Aramco completes commissioning.
to upgrade units that will increase the availabil- Worley has a long history of working on Ras
ity of higher-value products at Ras Tanura, the Tanura, having provided pre-FEED and pro-
company’s largest oil refinery. ject management services covering a previous
Under the contract, Worley will provide expansion and modifications to comply with
pre-front-end engineering design (pre-FEED), changing environmental regulations.
FEED and project management services for Aramco and Spanish contractor Tecnicas
work to upgrade the atmospheric and vacuum Reunidas (TR) are nearing the completion of the
gas oil from the crude distillation unit (CDU) $2.5bn Clean Fuels project at the refinery which
and the atmospheric gas oil from the Kuff con- centres around a new 90,000 bpd continuous
densate unit. catalyst regeneration (CCR) unit and a 65,000
In doing so, Ras Tanura will be capable of bpd isomerisation unit to raise octane and lower
converting low-value refinery residue into high- benzene content in gasoline. A 138,000 bpd
er-value products including gasoline, jet fuel and naphtha hydrotreater will also be added.
ultra-low sulphur diesel, Worley said. Work began on the project in 2018 following
The award follows the completion of front- a contract award in 2016. Ahead of the comple-
end conceptual studies by Worley’s consulting tion of the Clean Fuels programme, Ras Tanura
arm Advisian. was able to produce up to 200,000 bpd of both
These studies evaluated “the development of gasoline and diesel.
cost estimates for possible options, integration of The refinery is located on a slip of land jut-
technology licensors and optimisation of exist- ting into the Gulf that is home to the port of Ras
ing brownfield assets”. Tanura comprising the refinery, the Ras Tanura
Ras Tanua can process 550,000 barrels per terminal and the Ju’aymah crude and LPG
day of crude accounting for just over a third export terminals and as well as 33mn barrels of
of Aramco’s domestic wholly owned refining crude storage. Total export capacity from the
throughput capacity, which will run at more than facilities is around 6.5mn bpd.
Refinery Gross Capacity (kbpd) Equity Net Capacity (kbpd)
Jazan* 400 100.0% 400
Ras Tanura 550 100.0% 550
Riyadh 130 100.0% 130
SASREF 305 100.0% 305
Yanbu' 250 100.0% 250
Domestic Wholly-Owned 1,635 1,635
PetroRabigh 400 50.0% 200
SAMREF 400 37.5% 150
SATORP 440 62.5% 275
Week 41 14•October•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com 268.75 P11
Domestic JVs 1,670 893.75
Fujian (FREP) 280 63.4% 177.52
Hyundai Oilbank 650 100.0% 650
Idemitsu 945 25.0% 236.25
Motiva 635 7.7% 48.895
PRefChem* 300 17.0% 51
S-Oil 669 35.0% 234.15
Reliance O2C 1,820 20.0% 364
International JVs 5,299 1,761.82
Total 8,604 4,290.57
Source: Company publications, industry research